Some good plumbing information here by Jesse Simons
Check out this root blockage in a main drain line! ?????? roots LOVE drain lines, especially older drain lines made of clay with lots of seams & cracks. In Minnesota, drain lines are buried deep below the frost line, making excavation and repairs expensive. We're talking heavy equipment and 8' deep... not exactly a weekend DIY project. Don't be like my wife and I, if you have a large tree in your front yard between you and the street, make sure you inspect your main drain line routinely for root buildup, BEFORE you have a backup. If you are buying, DON'T pass on your drain inspection. This was our home in Bloomington last May, shortly after we bought the home... without a drain inspection (the irony, I know). Luckily, Bedrock Plumbing came to our rescue, AFTER we had a drain backup in our laundry room.