We all want to sell our business quickly, but how long should we realistically expect the process to take? David Humphrey provides a simple guide below:
Question: What is the timeframe for a business sale these days? Answer: We tell people it is 7 / 7 / 70. Seven weeks to prepare the CIM (confidential information memorandum), seven months to find a buyer and negotiate a deal, and 70 days to close once you have a signed LOI. While it can go faster, even much faster, this is typically the time frame for an owner who desire to sell for the premium value and is not under pressure to sell. --- During the 2024 Managing and Accounting Practice (MAP) Conference hosted by the Massachusetts Society of CPAs (MassCPAs), Beacon Equity Advisors presented an AMA (Ask Me Anything) to the CPA firm partners attending. We thought we would share some of their questions and our answers. #mergersandacquisitions #valuation #privateequity #beaconequityadvisors #manufacturing