Although it has been about two weeks since, today is the perfect day to recognize an awesome experience I recently had-- especially since it is Jen Yeager's birthday!??
On March 1st, I had the incredible honor of speaking in front of nearly 700 people at the CASA Kane County Be Their Voice annual gala. Standing on that stage, I shared my journey through the foster care system, but more importantly, I shared the impact of one person who changed my life forever--my former CASA worker, Jen.
CASAs (Court Appointed Special Advocates) are meant to be a voice for youth in the system, but Jen became so much more. From walking endless miles around my neighborhood just listening to me talk to showing up at every major milestone--she has been my unwavering support system, my role model, and the closest thing I've had to a mother.
Her belief in me, even in the moments I couldn't see my own worth, shaped the person I am today. Because of her, I am not just a former foster youth; I am a Master of Social Work student, a DCFS Youth Advisory Board intern, and a substitute teacher. I strive to be for others what she was for me-- a steady presence, a champion, a safe space.
To all CASA workers, social workers, and advocates-- your work MATTERS. Your presence in a young person's life can change their trajectory in ways you may never fully see. And to Jen-- thank you for everything. I wouldn't be here without you. Happy birthday Jen!????
And last but not least, thank you Sandie Cross for connecting me to this absolutely amazing opportunity, I appreciated every second!!
#FosterCare #CASA #BeTheirVoice #ChildAdvocacy #SocialWork #Gratitude