During this week's historic #KenyaStateVisit, Baylis Emerging Markets had the opportunity to formally present the Baylis Digital Africa platform and its ambition to reshape the African digital and connectivity landscape. At an intimate private roundtable ably led by Honorable Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo on Kenyan-American partnership for African digital transformation jointly hosted by Presidents Biden and Ruto and held in the East Room of The White House's West Wing, our Chairman Franklin Olakunle Amoo, Chair of the Digital/ICT Subcommittee of the US President’s Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA), explained Baylis Digital Africa's intent to assemble and develop a next generation, continent spanning portfolio of high capacity, low-latency connectivity infrastructure stitching Africa into the global digital communications ecosystem - beginning with our recently signed MOU to help finance Wilken Group Limited's project to 1,172km optical fiber cable from Malaba to Mombasa via Nairobi. We further discussed how manufacturing plays a role - demonstrated by our recent commitment to lead the financing and development of Semiconductor Technologies Limited (STL)'s expansion of its fabrication complex in Nyeri, Kenya. This was especially timely as our announcements came on the heels of the same group's mission to Nairobi two weeks ago for the #AmCham2024Summit and immediately followed Ruth Porat, President and CFO of Google's comments unveiling their plans to deploy the Umoja Cable - a hybrid terrestrial and submarine optical fiber network providing Africa's first direct link to Australia. We expect to announce several more exciting initiatives over the next 18 months as we roll out our ambitious agenda to transform the African digital landscape and provide secure, inclusive high capacity access to every African. We would like to thank our colleagues at U.S. Department of Commerce, Prosper Africa, USAID and U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) for their unwavering support to US businesses engaged in the African marketplace. British Robinson Enoh T. Ebong Thomas Bruns Giancarlo Cavallo Thamar E. H. Elizabeth Blacklin William Fanjoy James Wells Heather Lanigan Lisa Coppe Sarah Whitten Anthony Githinji Graham Shaw MBE Steve Ogada Marlyn Wanjiru #digitalinfrastructure #siliconsavannah #iot #opticalfiber #semiconductors #CHIPSAct #manufacturing #wewillbuildafrica #pacdbia