Battle Borne转发了
Attention Veterans ?? Do you have questions about your VA benefits, claims, or the VA in general?? Well, here's your opportunity to meet with Alex Carrillo, VSO, Director of Northampton County Veterans Affairs. He will be on-site at our Veterans Drop-In Services Program tomorrow morning from 9 am until 12 pm!! ● And don't forget YOGA FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYDAY with Corine from 1130-1230 ● Battle Borne is truly grateful for our collaboration with and the continued support of the County of Northampton D&A division for helping us make these services possible. Like we always say...#TogetherWeRise ???? #VeteransResourceCenter #PalmerRecoveryCenter #TTI #CountyOfNorthampton #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #Impact2025 #MakingADifferenceIn2025