Barnana, PBC转发了
Lets talk about unrealistic beauty standards. No I won't talk about the Oscars, or the Substance, or even the pressures I see my young daughters facing. Those are outside my area of expertise. What I do know about is the impact of unrealistic beauty standards in the area of sustainability. The most obvious impact we all see is the rejection of imperfect or ugly fruits and vegetables. With agriculture accounting for approximately a quarter of global emissions it is shocking we throw away 20-30% of all of our harvests just because they won't look good on a shelf. Kudos to the many companies working to repurpose that fruit (especially Barnana, PBC which is popular in my house!) Now then lets look at the packaging on all of our products. We are all guilty of gravitating to the 'premium' product. The one with the heavy thick packaging and extra embellishments. Or the product made out of shiny white virgin plastic instead of a boring grey. That is the problem with most of our goals for the sustainable future of packaging. We want reuse systems - but will we want heavy glass and steel containers for a pretty pantry? We want to recycle but we don't want to see imperfect grey or blemished packaging. I worry that Hollywood is right about circularity because the only true circular economies we see are in dystopian futures. Think Soylent Green or Waterworld. How do we avoid that depressing future and combat unrealistic beauty standards holding us back today? #sustainability #circularity