Bano Group

Bano Group


Facilitating a life of independence and dignity for mobility-impaired people, for generations to come


The Bano Group is a privately held international enterprise headquartered in Oslo. Operating under the distinguished brands of Bano, Bano Life and Bano Prefab, the Group's core mission is to facilitate a life of independence and dignity for the elderly, and other mobility impaired people, for generations to come. With 200+ employees, the companies have more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare, bathroom and homecare sectors. They are exceptionally well-prepared to tackle the challenge of creating spaces that cater to everyone, both healthcare institutions and homes. Bano was founded with the conviction that bathrooms for the elderly could be made better. Today, Bano’s innovative bathroom solutions for nursing homes have taken Norway by storm. Thanks to unique products, nursing home residents require less assistance in the bathroom, translating to a more independent and dignified life. They also lower stress for care staff and cost for the nursing home operators. Following the success in Norway, Bano’s reach is extended into new markets to support more people to grow old in dignity. In order to accelerate Bano’s expansion outside its home market of Norwegian nursing homes, to individuals at home, three homecare companies were combined to create Bano Life. Bano Life provide custom-made help-aids that make a significant difference in the lives of mobility impaired people. Their goal is to offer everyone the opportunity to live an active, independent and fulfilling life, regardless of functional level. They offer a carefully curated selection of help-aids from reliable suppliers. Bano Prefab create the bathrooms of the future by prefabricating bathroom pods made in steel-reinforced concrete. It facilitates bathrooms that are space saving yet have exceptional wall strength, are easy to renovate and have low impact of damage caused by water. Unlike other prefabricated bathrooms, Probad have a highly flexible production allowing mass tailoring.

201-500 人
Bathroom、Mobility、Help-aids、Toilets、Prefabricated bathroom pods、Wheelchairs、Healthcare、Homecare、Activity help-aids、Elderly、Children、Production和Sales


Bano Group员工


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    Would you like to join our team? We have an open temporary position as a Junior Marketer! ?? Location: Langhus, Oslo, Norway

    查看Bano Life Norge的公司主页,图片

    520 位关注者

    Vil du bli en del av denne gjengen? Vi har et ledig vikariat som junior markedsf?rer! ?? ? V?r markedssjef skal ut i permisjon, og i den forbindelse trenger markedsteamet litt ekstra arbeidskapasitet. Dette er en flott mulighet hvis du er i starten av karrieren din og ?nsker en flying start. ? Hos oss vil du f?: ?? Produsere engasjerende innhold for nettsider, sosiale medier og annonser ?? Gjennomf?re mediekj?p i digitale medier ?? Arbeide med kreative og dyktige kollegaer ?? Jobbe fra idé til publisering – vi har mange hjertevarme historier som skal fortelles H?res dette ut som en spennende utfordring? Da vil vi h?re fra deg! ? Full stillingsutlysning:

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  • Bano Group转发了

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    520 位关注者

    Inkludering betyr alt ?? ? Vi elsker ? jobbe med barnehjelpemidler fordi vi ser, hvor stor forskjell de kan gj?re for barn. En inkluderende barndom gir mestring og minner, og med de riktige hjelpemidlene kan alle barn v?re med p? lek og moro. Derfor har vi, i samarbeid med Eloflex, utviklet Eloflex K - en liten, lett og sammenleggbar elektrisk rullestol som gir barn friheten til ? delta, uansett anledning. ? Halloween er en s?nn dag hvor alle skal f? v?re med. Med Eloflex K kan barn bli med p? feiringen uten begrensninger ?? ? Det er ingen st?rre glede for oss enn ? se barn f? delta, og Eloflex K er nettopp skapt for ? fylle et behov vi s? i markedet. Fordi alle barn fortjener ? v?re med p? leken! ??

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    169 位关注者

    Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn, just like it did for Gunnar. One moment he was cycling, the next, he found himself flying over the handlebars, instantly realizing something was wrong. Following rehabilitation at Sunnaas Hospital, Gunnar adapted to a new reality—one that now involves a wheelchair. People like Gunnar remind us that life continues, just in a different form ?? Read Gunnar's full story here ?? and discover how the Bano Turnable Toilet helps him preserve his independence.


    437 位关注者

    Noen ganger kan livet snu fort, slik som for Gunnar. Han gikk over sykkelstyret da han var p? sykkeltur, og skj?nte raskt at noe var galt. Etter rehabilitering p? Sunnaas sykehus bygde han seg opp igjen til en annerledes hverdag – en hverdag med rullestol. Inspirerende mennesker som ham viser oss at livet fortsetter – bare p? en litt annen m?te??? Her kan du lese hele historien om Gunnar, ???og se hvordan Bano vendbart toalett tilrettelegger for at han kan ivareta selvstendigheten. Les hele saken her:

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    169 位关注者

    Are you our new colleague? Bano is looking for a new Product Manager!????


    437 位关注者

    Er du v?r nye Product Manager? Bli med og skap l?sninger som forandrer liv I Bano utvikler vi stadig innovative l?sninger som gj?r hverdagen enklere for dem som trenger det mest ?? N? ser vi etter en engasjert Product Manager som synes det er spennende ? f?lge prosjekter fra start til slutt – og som ?nsker en jobb med ekte mening. Hos oss f?r du muligheten til ?: - Sette ditt unike preg p? produktene v?re - Ha en variert og spennende arbeidshverdag - M?te nye utfordringer og utviklingsmuligheter rundt hvert hj?rne - Jobbe tett med et sterkt og kompetent R&D-team H?res dette ut som en utfordring for deg? Da vil vi h?re fra deg – kanskje du er akkurat den vi leter etter! Les full utlysning her:

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    169 位关注者

    Meet Niels Kunov, CEO of Bano Group With over 20 years of experience as a strategy consultant, entrepreneur, and investor, Niels Kunov took the helm of Bano Group in 2022. His expertise spans across multiple industries and business models, but at his core, he's driven by a passion for creating breakthrough sales strategies and building high-growth organizations. At Bano Group, Niels is dedicated to creating a workplace where every team member finds joy and fulfillment in their roles. Though born a Danish citizen, Niels has spent most of his life in Germany, where he is currently based. His fluency in Danish however proves valuable as he frequently spends time in?Norway where our?Bano Group (Oslo), Bano Concept (Sandane) and Bano Life (Langhus) HQs are located.

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    169 位关注者

    Have you seen that we launched a brand new website for Bano!? ?? We are proud to present our new and improved website, where you can easily find all the information you need. The website is available in seven different languages, and by navigating to the globe icon in the top menu, you can select the language you prefer??

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    169 位关注者

    Meet Bano Life at Boligmesse (Housing Fair) in Oslo this weekend ?? Visit stand A-06 to explore how Bano's innovative bathroom solution can enhance safety and independence - also in private homes. They'll also showcase a variety of assistive aids that empower more people to live comfortably and securely at home for longer. Stop by to discover how these solutions can improve your daily life!

    查看Bano Life Norge的公司主页,图片

    520 位关注者

    I morgen kan du m?te oss p? Boligmesse i Oslo ?? For aller f?rste gang deltar vi p? Boligmesse, og vi synes det er utrolig spennende og relevant. Vi ser frem til ? vise hvordan et baderom utformet i livsl?pstandard ikke bare ?ker sikkerheten og selvstendigheten, men ogs? gj?r det mulig ? bo hjemme i sitt eget hjem lengre. Og det beste av alt? Dette kan oppn?s med et lekkert design og en herlig atmosf?re, helt p? linje med vanlige baderom i private hjem ???? Vi ses! #boligmesse #banovendbarttoalett

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