This week, we partnered with Claude Moore Charitable Foundation, The University of Virginia's College at Wise, and Mountain Empire Community College for the Exploring Healthcare Careers event! This initiative brought together middle and high school students, giving them the opportunity to learn about potential healthcare careers through hands-on experiences. "Exploring Healthcare Careers is an excellent opportunity for students and their families to explore the exciting and rewarding world of healthcare,” said Shannon Showalter, chief executive officer for Ballad Health operations in Wise, Lee, and Dickenson counties. "By learning about career options early, students can make informed decisions about their futures, develop their passions, and embark on careers that will make a real difference in their communities.” This event is part of our ongoing effort to build a strong pipeline of future healthcare professionals and address the workforce shortage in the Appalachian Highlands. By partnering with local schools and community members, we are working to strengthen our region's healthcare workforce from the ground up. Interested in a healthcare career? Explore opportunities at #balladhealth