If you don’t A/B test your video ads - you’re missing out on sales.
My experience with hundreds of brands says: even the most attractive, bold, or innovative video content requires testing in the field and fine tuning.
What we all initially thought would be interesting to an audience may not necessarily be, once it goes live, but something else may trigger an engagement.
And with strategy and thoughtful tweaks, that video ad campaign may perform so much better.
It can be a different first shot, different music, different graphics or message.
By trying out a range of video content iterations and tracking their performance, together with our clients, we are able to really maximize their investment.
And that’s where the real ROI for video ads lives.
Mike drop…
Shoot me a DM if you think your video ads deserve better performance.
What’s your experiences with split testing video ads?
#videoproduction #videomarketing #contentmarketing #advertising #amazonads
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