Proud of this multi-year partnership with Vuori and all the incredible success and magic we’ve been a part of throughout the journey. Congrats to the dreamers and doers like Joe Kudla and his incredible team! Thanks to The New York Times and writer Max Berlinger for bringing their incredible story and trajectory to print.
Thank you The New York Times and Max Berlinger for the great story about Vuori and the incredible journey our team has been on for the past 10 years. It feels like just yesterday we were working out of the garage and figuring out how to pay the bills. Life moves incredibly fast, especially the entrepreneurial variety. I am very grateful for big press moments like this, not only for what they do for our brand, which we love, live and breathe every day, but also for what they do for our team. The outreach and support from everyone that read this story serve as celebrations of our incredible people and the amazing work they do everyday. It goes a long way. Great companies, at the end of the day, are groups of great people aligned by a common vision, and we can’t thrive as an organization if our people aren’t thriving. Our teams are busy, our world is moving fast. Thank you for providing the opportunity to step back, take inventory of this epic journey we have been on and helping our incredible people feel all the love. #therisetheshine