Albanian Youth Center GreenwichµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
Albanian Youth Center Greenwich

Albanian Youth Center Greenwich


Greenwich��Connecticut 203 λ��ע��

We facilitate and preserve Albanian Heritage to Albanian-American youth in Lower Fairfield and Westchester counties.


A program in lower Fairfield county and Westchester to teach the next generation of Albanian Americans (5-18 years old) our beautiful ancient language of Albanian, followed by social studies/history and traditional dance and sports. It's an opportunity for young people to immerse in their culture and socialize/network with others in the community every Saturday morning. The classes are taught by US certified teachers/instructors and award winning performers. We are also looking for volunteers and donors. Ideally we would like to provide the children a free lunch and are looking for sponsors. Call: (203) 357-5303 Email: [email protected]

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