?? It’s finally out there!!! ?? Our episode of The Feedback Loop has aired on YouTube, and you can watch it right here: https://lnkd.in/d52qWQNt (min 16:20) It was fantastic to have our CEO, Antonio Forenza, PhD, pitch to Jesse Middleton and Sherveen Mashayekhi, receiving their immediate, unfiltered feedback. From the nuances of HRV vs. EEG for emotion monitoring to the exciting opportunities around “ear real estate,” Jesse and Sherveen shared some on-point advice and insights. Check out the episode, and let us know your thoughts in the comments! ?? #TheFeedbackLoop #AWEAR #Entrepreneurship #MentalHealthTech #Wearables #EEG #mentalwellness #stressmanagement #longevity Jillean Veroneau, MS Noga Orr (Or-Geva), PhD Francesco_ Morrone Viola Cutrone
Founder & CEO at Free Agency | Host of The Feedback Loop, Three Course Founders, & The Sherveen Show
The Feedback Loop is turning the big 3-0. Episode 030 is out today, featuring me and Jesse Middleton hearing from 4 compelling founders about their vision of the future. And a fun tangent we go on during the episode: Jesse sharing about how his 8 year old son has gotten into investing in public stocks, and how he picks! He's a future TFL cohost, for sure. A shout-out to the founders on this episode, Duygu Ozen, Antonio Forenza, PhD, Laz Fuentes, and Zebo Furqatzoda -- four compelling builders who got up on stage, pitched in under a minute, and then got unfiltered feedback, all in front of a live NYC audience. Not an easy thing to do! Kudos, and go founders, go!