A much-needed initiative. Why clean up climate impacts we can avoid in the first place? We're finally catching up—with tools to reduce aviation contrails—and it's time to raise awareness of their significant non-CO? effects.
Welcome to Contrails.org! ? In recent years, science has given us a much clearer picture of the major role that contrails - those thin, wispy clouds planes sometimes leave behind - can play in contributing to global warming. By trapping heat, contrails are responsible for between 1-2% of all human-caused warming each year. To put this in perspective, that’s a larger impact than the total warming caused by all aviation-related CO2 emissions since 1945. ? The good news is that the solution to reducing their impact could be both practical and affordable. ? Small course changes targeted at the 5% of flights that generate 80% of the contrail-caused warming, could drastically cut aviation’s climate impact at the cost of under one dollar per tonne of CO2 equivalent warming avoided. ? To make this a reality, it's time to accelerate the rate of scientific progress and turn contrail research into climate action. ? That's why we're relaunching this week as Contrails.org, a non-profit initiative with a renewed mission and scope. Our initiative, founded at Breakthrough Energy and formerly known as Reviate, brings together expertise from industry, policy, and research to tackle key challenges across science, technology, and adoption so we can change course for the climate. ? Check out our video below find out more, and please follow us here and at our new website https://contrails.org/ to stay up to date. Marc Stettler Marc Shapiro Matteo Mirolo Tom Dean Jonathan Itcovitz Nick Masson Roger Teoh #aviation #contrails #sustainableaviation #climate #climatetech #contrails.org