Some leave a legacy worth remembering. Giants like MLK require that we pause, think about the cause and be grateful for the progress made towards equality. Avergent is closing its offices today to do just that. #weareavergent
When it comes to healthcare benefit costs, if you want different results, you must change your approach. The supply chain around delivering healthcare and insurance is wrought with opaque pricing and hidden revenue streams. The status quo path we're on is a path that will eventually bankrupt employers unless there is a divergence. Working with the right team is the first step. We are a team specially equipped to transform healthcare costs through transparency. Our benefit consulting has been nationally recognized, our underwriting and claims auditing is second-to-none, our risk management has driven stability and profitability in the insurance supply chain and our passion for transformation is unquestionable. When it comes to healthcare costs, diverging from the status quo in new ways is the only hope for sustainability. That's what it means to be Avergent.
1400 Lombardi Ave
US,Wisconsin,Green Bay,54304
Some leave a legacy worth remembering. Giants like MLK require that we pause, think about the cause and be grateful for the progress made towards equality. Avergent is closing its offices today to do just that. #weareavergent
At the Appleton Area School District Wellness Fair representing #CollaborativeCare! #weareavergent
Yesterday, our organization was awarded the 2024 Entrepreneurial Award by the Greater Green Bay Chamber. It was quite the honor. There are many deserving organizations in NE Wisconsin. To be nominated and selected is nothing but humbling. My journey as an entrepreneur started at the young age of 19. After reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, owning a business became my dream. In my 20's, I spent time outside my engineering design jobs dabbling in multi-level marketing and real estate investment to get to a tech start-up then launching a hospitality marketing company for a brief stint into starting a more stable insurance benefits agency. Each of these ventures were more successful than the previous, with plenty of skinned knees along the way. After selling my first benefits agency at age 30 to another firm, I took a step back from business ownership to try my hand at using my entrepreneurial nature within another organization. That lasted for several years. Ultimately, the pain of watching an industry do the same status quo things year-over-year, combined with my entrepreneurial spirit, were too much to hold me back from starting another venture. Avergent was born out of a dream and a market need for health plans that were not status quo. Many aspiring entrepreneurs start their journeys with high hopes and big dreams not realizing the grit and resilience needed to get the job done. The journey to success takes a lot of hard work, the right team and partners, trusting customers and the right vision. I'm so grateful for our team of passionate, mission-minded rock stars who get up every day relentlessly obsessed with better. This award belongs to them. #weareavergent
Kudos to these two rockstar team members!
Transforming Employer Healthcare | Health Rosetta Associate Benefit Advisor | Entrepreneurial & Community Advocate
A week ago, at Avergent's annual Empower conference, we gave away two awards to recognize two incredible individuals. Tim Olejniczak was recognized with our Legacy Builders Award. The award is given to an individual who exemplifies servant leadership by giving of themselves to invest in future success of individuals, their organization and community. Sherry Freeman was recognized with our Relentless Warrior Award. The award is given to a team member who demonstrates relentlessness and resourcefulness in pursuit of delivering solutions to their teammates, clients and partners. Congratulations to these two for all of their contributions to Avergent, our clients, partners and the communities we serve! #weareavergent
On Behalf of the Team at Avergent, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to our Founder and Leader, Drew Leatherberry. This year’s EMPOWER Event absolutely achieved its mission of what Drew, and the rest of the Team set out to do. I personally was thrilled by the sharing of critical information, perspectives, new innovations, and the warmth of a community of human beings discussing the fight to transform a broken system. Thank you to all of our Sponsors, to our dedicated clients and partners who believe in the mission and values of taking control of your health plan to empower your people. Thank you to our guests who joined in the conversation and brought in your curiosity and valuable insights. Thank you to the Staff of the Oneida Hotel, your service, dining, and environment blew me away. And lastly, I just want to thank my team. Avergent is an extremely special place to work, and each of you add so much to the mission and culture of who we are. A special callout to our Collaborative Care Team, you make what we are doing possible, thank you for all of the long hours, passion, and persistence. Congratulations to all of this year’s award winner’s, the recognition is just a small reflection of the contributions you make every day. I am truly proud to have played a small role of the event, and grateful for the experience and knowledge I will have forever. I apologize for going on and on, but it truly was a special experience that EVERYONE could benefit from. Looking forward to next year. Chadwick Holloman Not HR #WEAREAVERGENT
Chris Deacon takes the stage for the first keynote at #empower2024!
Chris Deacon takes the stage for the first keynote at #empower2024!
Welcome to the team, Teri Salinas! We're glad you chose us! #weareavergent
Yes. Yes, it does!
I support Employers in transforming their benefits to provide access to higher quality and more affordable healthcare.
Yesterday, we announced that one of our clients had been nominated for an award for offering a high-performance health plan to their team members. Their response? "WOW!!! It's nice to be recognized for doing something we believe is the right thing to do." Let that sink in for a second. A potential award for simply doing the right thing. But why would you be awarded for that? Unfortunately, many health plans are designed to benefit brokers, carriers, and health systems rather than employers and their employees. Our clients should get more than an award for taking the dive, making the changes, and educating their teams on why we must do things differently. They rock! #healthcare #employeewellness #doingtherightthing