AUGC - Association Universitaire du Génie Civil转发了
Post-conference course on #UHPFRC - 19th of June 2025 at Polytech Nice Sophia The course aims to demystify the calculation of UHPFRC structures and give designers all the tools to design innovative alternative solutions that fully use UHPFRC performance. After a brief history of UHPFRC development and an overview of recent innovative structures, the course will recall the basic principles of characterization and behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete. These principles explain the behaviour of UHPFRC and provide very simple first tools for safely pre-dimensioning UHPFRC structures. The course will continue with a fairly complete presentation of the standard for the design of UHPFRC structures (NF 18-710) and an example of application on a pedestrian bridge. Target audience: The training is primarily intended for engineers, students and researchers involved in the design and calculation of structures, project managers, design offices, control offices, and construction companies: technical management, method office and exe studies. For registration see: AFGC fib – International Federation for Structural Concrete – Fédération Internationale du Béton Jacques Resplendino Grégory Généreux Alain Simon Jean-Laurent Burlet #BFUP #beton #concrete