Aspire Skill Development

Aspire Skill Development


Boulder,CO 847 位关注者

Preparing young professionals with the skills set to thrive personally and professionally.


We are Aspire Skill Development, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the personal and professional lives of modern professionals through hosting paid, remote internships based on life skills development, community engagement project management, and mentorship. Since our inception in 2020, we have strived to substantially improve the life skills of modern professionals, thereby facilitating their career readiness, marketability, advancement potential, and preparation for meaningful and fulfilling lives. We envision a future in which all individuals are prepared to lead with confidence, compassion and a commitment to positive change. We are proud of our accomplishments, having facilitated the skill development of 85 interns, managed their creation of 32 Community Engagement Projects, and awarded $81,850 to support their professional goals post-internship. We bring our team together from diverse backgrounds and have an organizational culture exemplifying respect, optimism, and never-ending self improvement. Learn more at:

2-10 人
Professional development、Remote workplace、Personal development、Skill development、Nonprofit、Community impact、Community engagment、Modern professionals、Bridging the skills gap、Career readiness、Life skills、Mentorship、Internship、Leadership、Professional networking和Scholarship


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    “This professional development opportunity brought together national fundraising experts, thought leaders, nonprofit professionals and board members for a day of learning and camaraderie.” ?? ?? Recently, our Director of Operations, Emma Calarco, had the pleasure of attending the San Diego Fundraising Conference, an online conference, hosted by the San Diego Foundation, bringing together experts and learners alike to discuss how to navigate the future of philanthropy. An increasingly digital and remote world brings new challenges and nuances to fundraising, requiring intentional data-informed decisions when building donor relationships. ?? As a nonprofit that strives to embrace the modernization of this space, this conference was especially applicable to our vision. It was an incredible opportunity to continue to enhance and strengthen our understanding of fundraising as we continue to scale and diversify the funding that supports our mission and vision. While our intern programming focuses on personal and professional development through the lens of our seven essential life skills, we also are very intentional about engaging with functional skill training for our internal team. Prioritizing seeking out more information about fundraising ??, applying to grants ??, and developing donor relationships ?? is one of our main goals for 2025. We look forward to furthering our connections with foundations and other community resources in CO and CA! Our organization is constantly trying to find nonprofit resources. Reach out if you know of organizations or resources in CA or CO to connect us to! ?? #fundraising #nonprofit

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    “I personally was able to learn a lot about the use of graphics to share data and project details with potential funders in an impactful way.” ?? Recently, our Director of Operations, Emma Calarco, had the pleasure of attending Grant Writing 201, a grant writing course hosted by the Community Resource Center (CRC) in Colorado. Grant writing is crucial to sustaining our operations, expanding our impact, and ultimately, achieving our mission as a growing nonprofit.??? It was an incredible opportunity to continue to enhance and strengthen our grant writing efforts to continue to diversify the funding that supports our mission and vision. While our intern programming focuses on personal and professional development through the lens of our seven life skills, we also are very intentional about engaging with functional skill training for our internal team. Gaining more information past the basics was so helpful to further strengthen our grant application cadence and process. We look forward to furthering our connections with foundations and other community resources in CO and CA! Our organization is constantly trying to find grant-writing resources. Reach out if you have organizations or resources in CA or CO to connect us to!???

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    5 Ways to Balance Self-Development WITH Professional Development. 1. Invest in hobbies that grow skills that are tangential to what is required from your professional goals. ??? 2. Have a self-care regimen that prepares and invigorates you for your professional responsibilities. ??♀?? 3. ?? Healthy body, healthy mind. ?? Healthy individuals tend to have higher energy levels and greater resilience to stress, allowing for more productivity and focus.? 4. Journal, journal, journal! ?? Consistent constructive reflection into conscious action is a proven way to ensure your growth is aligned with your values. 5. Initiate more conversations about your strengths AND weaknesses. ?? Become more comfortable hearing the feedback of others.?

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    Don’t neglect your personal life. ?? Personal and professional development aren’t separate processes; they’re different sides of the same important coin. Just think about it. How can you present your best self in the workplace when you’re bogged down by missed family gatherings, an unhealthy diet, and a lack of hobbies? It is incredibly difficult to contain the stress built from one half of your life from spilling over to the other. And, the worst part: many aspiring professionals habitualize sacrificing their personal development in pursuit of professional success. When we thrive in our personal lives, it allows us to present our best selves in the workplace. It allows us to focus intently on important projects, bring the best energy to collaborate and lead our teams, and think creatively about complex problems. Working on your personal life will significantly improve your professional life. ???? Visit our website to see how our internship helps to personally and professionally grow aspiring professionals: ?

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    847 位关注者

    According to the article “Academic Stress and Mental Well-Being in College Students: Correlations, Affected Groups, and COVID-19”, many students who experience mental health struggles underutilize college services due to cost, stigma, or lack of information. Ways to circumvent this stigma around mental health can include college campuses providing confidential self-assessments, social and emotional support, and interventions to teach coping mechanisms.? This Spring of 2024, interns Teagan Murphy, Oleksandr Sharlai, and Jason Yang dedicated their CEP to destigmatizing mental health and bringing accessible resources to their campus through their project “Cortibye.” Their efforts included conducting academic research with a comprehensive Qualtrics survey, hosting a campus pop-up at San Diego Mesa College featuring resources and activities, and launching a social media campaign to raise awareness and offer solutions to academic stress and improve mental health. Their campaign had a direct positive impact on 88 students, as well as reaching 355 students through their social media and pop-up event. We are so proud of what they have accomplished and the difference they have made!

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    Attention! The Small Business Virtual Incubator is an online space where students receive guidance and 1:1 business coaching to help them start their journey as small business owners. The program offers online workshops, administrative, operations, marketing, tech guidance, and financial support in certain circumstances. Deadline to apply for Fall 2024 is July 31st, 2024

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    This spring of 2024, interns Ruby Morales and Catherine Xiao identified a significant drop in voter turnout among young voters in the United States, primarily due to accessibility issues and the political system often overlooking this demographic. To ensure the voices of younger generations are heard, they developed the Inclusivote project. Their initiative aimed to increase voter turnout among college students on their campuses. As part of their project, they conducted a comprehensive survey to understand the barriers faced by young voters. They also created a user-friendly website full of voting resources, developed a calendar with important voting dates, organized a virtual workshop to assist in voter registration, and engaged in in-person pin outreach to inspire students to vote. The Inclusivote project also emphasized the importance of civic engagement and educated students on the impact of their vote. Throughout the duration of this project, Catherine and Ruby reached over 63 students through their virtual efforts and distributed 34 pins to students in person on campus. We are proud of our interns and their accomplishments in promoting voter participation among young adults!

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    A huge thank you to Jill Stoddard, Ph.D. for joining our second book club session to discuss her book, “Imposter No More: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Imposterism to Cultivate a Successful Career.” Dr. Stoddard’s insights were invaluable as she thoughtfully addressed all our questions regarding our personal experiences with imposterism and avoidance. She provided practical tips that resonated with each of us on the team. During today's session, we delved into the different types of avoidance and explored strategies to overcome self-deprecating behavior, enhance authenticity, practice self-compassion, and build resilience. For those interested, we highly recommend her book as a tool for overcoming self-doubt and gaining confidence in your professional and personal lives. Thank you once again, Jill. We look forward to learning more from you in the future!

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