
Pristina,Kosovo 463 位关注者

Thinkers. Creators. Makers.


ASHA is a marketing, designing, printing, production and advertisement company based in Kosovo. The company is owned and run by 3 partners, brothers who are leaders in their own fields. Established in 2003, ASHA managed to be among the most successful companies in the region. We create ideas, designs, websites, identities, commercials, films, documentaries, and deliver printing services. Through unique collaboration process between the staff and clients, as well as with the proper strategy, design becomes clearer, simpler and richer. This is a result of how we listen, how we find elements to make things unique and interesting. The cooperation with clients, partners, and other companies, help us connect and deliver great value to the ultimate reflection of great partnership. ASHA takes the contemporary, the colorful, the clean and fresh, the clear and modern, to put it in detail and present the magnificent.

11-50 人
Marketing, Designing, Printing, Production and Advertising和Social Media


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    Str. Gjergj Balsha





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    463 位关注者

    Excited to showcase our latest creative project for "Better Finance".We designed a dynamic video animation that brings the concept of retirement savings to life, visually highlighting the risks and opportunities in securing a comfortable future.With engaging graphics and visualized storytelling, we’ve made a complex issue more accessible and actionable.?

    Ready to take control of your financial future? Compared to other developed economies, Europeans invest less in capital markets. Most of our savings sit in pension funds, our bank accounts, and real estate, which all carry the risk of not providing sufficient purchasing power when we retire.? ?????? ?????? ???? ?????????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ?? ???????? ???? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? ????????????????The biased advice of financial advisers may be part of the answer. Nearly half of Europeans are not confident that financial advice serves their best interest. However, securing our financial future cannot wait any longer. It’s time to consider a smarter approach: direct investing. By investing directly in stocks, bonds, and ETFs, you can bypass costly intermediaries, reduce fees, and grow your savings with transparent, growth-oriented products. ?????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ?????????????????? ????????????. Watch the video to learn why direct investing is the key to a stronger, more independent retirement! #DirectInvesting #RetirementSavings #Financialadviser #CapitalMarkets #Savings #Stocks #Bonds #ETFs

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    Reklam?n ton? t'fundit p?r Vipa Chips e ka karakterizu ni rrug?tim shum? karakteristik p?rgjat? t'cilit, bashk? me Teuta Krasniqin e kemi nd?rru ritmin dhe energjin? e njonit prejt brendeve ma t? preferume shqiptare. Shum? ngjyra, shum? dashni, e shije - edhe ma shum?! Asgj? e zakonshme!

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    463 位关注者

    Ashtu si n? projektet e kaluara, edhe p?rgjat? realizimit t? reklam?s s? fundit p?r Bank?n Komb?tare Tregtare, kemi pasur mund?sin? t? eksplorojm? an?n kreative t? komunikimit dhe trasmetimit t? sh?rbimeve bankare.?? Secili detaj, nga zhvillimi i skenarit deri n? xhirime – ?sht? nd?rtuar me q?llim q? t? krijojm? nj? p?rvoj? q? ju flet klient?ve, duke i b?r? konceptet financiare m? t? prekshme, m? t? af?rta dhe m? t? kuptueshme!?? ASHA Agency – Make it matter

  • ASHA转发了

    Thirrje p?r Aplikime p?r Shkollat Fillore t? Fshatrave t? Kosov?s Oda Ekonomike Amerikane n? Kosov? ka k?naq?sin? t? shpall? Projektin e Bibliotek?s s? Shkoll?s Rurale, q? synon t? financoj? nj? bibliotek? shkollore me libra dhe pajisje thelb?sore. Ftojm? shkollat nga fshatrat anemban? Kosov?s t? aplikojn? p?r k?t? mund?si p?r t? rritur burimet e tyre arsimore dhe p?r t? nxitur dashurin? p?r t? m?suar tek nx?n?sit. Kriteret e p?rzgjedhjes: ? Gjendet n? nj? fshat t? Kosov?s. ? U sh?rben nx?n?sve t? shkollave fillore. ? Mungesa e nj? biblioteke ekzistuese ose burime t? kufizuara. ? Performanca n? testin m? t? fundit komb?tar t? arritjeve. ? P?rqindja e nx?n?sve nga grupet e pafavorizuara ose t? cenueshme. ? T? pasurit e nj? plani strategjik p?r p?rmir?simin e shkoll?s. ? Qasje e kufizuar n? teknologji dhe burime digjitale. ? Pjes?marrja e nx?n?sve: Si pjes? e aplikimit, nj? nx?n?s duhet t? dor?zoj? nj? ese t? shkurt?r (300-500 fjal?) mbi r?nd?sin? e t? pasurit t? nj? bibliotek? shkollore dhe p?rfitimit t? nx?n?sve. P?rve? k?saj, student?ve u k?rkohet t? dor?zojn? nj? piktur? ose vizatim q? paraqet vizionin e tyre p?r nj? bibliotek? shkollore. P?rzgjedhja p?r esen? dhe punimin figurativ mund t? b?het nga vet? menaxhmenti i shkoll?s dhe/ose parashtruesi i k?rkes?s. Afati i Aplikimit: 20 tetor 2024 Si t? aplikoni: Shkollat e interesuara duhet t? plot?sojn? formularin elektronik t? parashtruar n? vijim: P?r m? shum? informata, na kontaktoni n? [email protected] ose p?rmes telefonit nga ora 09:00-15:00 n? numrat +383(0)38609012, +383(0)38609013, ose +383(0)48109900. Projekti mb?shtetet nga: Banka Ekonomike SH.A., Devolli Corporation, Marigona Hill, Meridian Corporation, BKT Kosova, Elkos Group, FINCA Kosov?, IPKO Telecommunications, Limak Kosovo International Airport J.S.C, Art House, As Travel Club, Boga & Associates, FRUTEX, KEP Trust, NLB Banka Prishtina, ProCredit Bank Kosova, Santefarm L.L.C., American School of Kosova, ASHA, BPB, Burger King Kosova, CACTTUS, FLORI Diamonds, KFC Kosova, Interex dhe RIKON-AL.

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    463 位关注者

    Kosovo Generation Unlimited is an initiative aimed at preparing the youth of Kosovo for the labor market through paid internships, trainings, and mentoring. The project involves young people aged 16 to 24 and is supported by the Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers, in collaboration with UNICEF and the CSR Kosova network. So far, over 1,200 young people have benefited from this program, 60% of whom are girls. They have gained experience in sectors such as services, IT, marketing, finance, and public service. ASHA is responsible for visual content and creative compositions on social media, highlighting the project and the opportunities it offers to young people. Transforming youth experiences into success through creativity.

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    463 位关注者

    During the month of September, “Okarina” will continue its artistic journey at the following festivals: ? Prishtina International Film Festival (PriFest): September 10-15, Prishtina, Kosovo ? D?ada Film Fest: September 9-15, Podgorica, Montenegro ? Salento Film Festival: September 10-15, Tricase, Italy ? Tetova International Film Festival ODA (TIFF ODA): September 23-28, Tetovo, Macedonia ? Albanska Filmdagar: September 28-29, Malmo, Sweden

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    463 位关注者

    Terre des Hommes has launched a powerful campaign to raise awareness about children in street situations. ?? ASHA has created a visual that highlights the importance of this cause. ?? This campaign is supported by the European Union and UNICEF, aiming to improve the lives of the most marginalized children in Kosovo.

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    463 位关注者

    Terre des Hommes has launched a powerful campaign to raise awareness about children in street situations. ?? ASHA has created a visual that highlights the importance of this cause. ?? This campaign is supported by the European Union and UNICEF, aiming to improve the lives of the most marginalized children in Kosovo.

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