Ready or not, future is already here! Don't miss the masterclass by our own LinkedIn Top Voice Piyush Malik on the fundamental skills of entrepreneurship and team building that the today's youth must master. Moonpreneur Inc Alok Jain
LinkedIN TopVoice 2023 | Data, AppliedAI, Technology & Strategy | CXO | BOD Advisor | Entrepreneur | Analytics | Cloud | Do click ?? to be notified of my latest posts
Ready or not, future is already here... How so? ??Well, did you miss Tesla's "We, Robot" event last month with humanoid workers & cybertaxis? ??Did you see how SpaceX's reusable rocket got back to earth within minutes after launch and was caught with precision on the launch vehicle itself !! ??Exciting stuff isn't it? Besides the hoopla about hot skills such as #AI & #Robotics, there are plenty of things to discuss & learn if you are in the job market today . Given the state of US k-12 education system and falling performance levels, we have many more things to discuss and act on when we worry about getting our kids ready for the competitive world. #Entrepreneurship and #teambuilding are fundamental skills that come handy even if you are in a corporate job today and it's better to get our youth ready for these from an early age itself. Starting this weekend in November, Moonpreneur Inc is organizing its "master classes with experts" as a focussed learning opportunity for parents & kids (9am PT Sundays Nov 10,17 & 24) I invite my network to join in and bring children aged 7 to 18 years to attend with you and gain ideas & perspectives, especially "How to get my child prepared for the skills that will be needed in future? " Note: This weekend's master class is absolutely Free but advanced registration & q&a recommended ( link in comments ) due to limited seating/first come first served policy. Hurry ..only couple of days left before registration closes! Asian Hustle Network ASEI (American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin) NAAAP (National Association of Asian American Professionals)