Gearing up for the 2025 ASCE Legislative Fly-In? We've got you covered! Here are the Know Before You Go Details for Younger Members and Students attending this year's Fly-In! Swipe for full details but here is a quick overview of what you can find inside: - Fly-In Logistics - Weather Forecast - Dress Code and Packing Tips - Event Highlights Be sure to tag us @asce_yms, @asce_hq, @asce_govrel and hashtag#ASCE2DC for opportunities to be featured in our stories. We hope you are just as excited as we are to see you in Washington, D.C.! Safe travels and see you soon! #ASCE #ASCEMadeMe #ThisIsASCE #CivilEngineering #Engineering #Leadership #ASCELocalNews #ASCE2DC American Society of Civil Engineers