We proudly announce Jim Spina as one of Arts For All newest volunteer Board of Directors.
He and his wife, Camille, have been residents of Dana Point since 2019, after raising their three children in Pasadena, CA. Jim and Camille have been together for 38 years, and one of their mutual bonds is a love of live music. They both strongly believe in giving back to local community efforts like AFA that "do well by doing good."
Professionally, Jim is a 35-year independent financial consultant who brings expertise in asset management, client relationships, goal setting, and budgeting to AFA. While money management has always been Jim's full-time role, coaching, mentoring, and connecting good people has been his side gig for many years. Jim's musical ability is being discovered one drum lesson at a time, fueled by a lifelong passion for quality music. Song-sharing with friends, attending countless concerts, and curating a large personal digital music collection fill much of the time and airspace at the Spina household.
Danman's Music Shop and a relationship with Bryce began when Jim simply walked in to ask about drum lessons in early 2024. Dan and Bryce were behind the desk and immediately offered a warm welcome, as they had done so many times before. A few lessons, practice sessions, and conversations later led Jim and Camille to the conclusion that Arts For All was the perfect fit for their family's ongoing mission to support local efforts by sharing their time, talent, and personal resources.
"Formally joining the Board at AFA is a mutually beneficial relationship," says Jim regarding his recent commitment. "Helping provide young kids who cannot afford music lessons with access to Bryce, AFA teachers, and Danman’s environment is a no-brainer. The return on invested time and resources for projects like this is exponential. Like knowledge, love, and most good things in life—the more one gives, the more one endlessly receives."
Last Fun Fact: Many family members and friends can verify that Jim's not-so-secret desire to be a rock drummer has been the source of countless "attention-getting" car rides. Due to his dedication to air drumming, passengers should be prepared for some great sounds—and maybe even a few hands-free thrills!
(You are a rockstar, Jim)