It's incredible how much can change in just one year. When we first started ArtifexAI, Bertie Wright and I had a crazy vision: using AI to unlock completely new hyperlocal data sources that could fundamentally change how we understand the world. The potential was so clear and valuable to use; it could be a new foundational solution, a real digital twin of a city, something that could transform the world. But then we started trying to raise funding. Every VC conversation ended the same way: "Your idea is too big" "Your customer segment is too ill-defined" "Governments are too slow to work with" "The built world's profit margins are too low" And my absolute favorite: "Your idea is good but it's impossible" Yet through all of this, Bertie Wright and I never once doubted our vision to create a new data utility. We knew what was possible. Fast forward a year, now when we show customers what we can do their response isn't doubt, not anymore. It's shock. Shock at what's actually possible. The result? Incredible customer traction, growing markets across the entire globe, visibility into global trends and local risk that nobody thought they could see, and a new foundational data utility that works across markets. Had a funny moment today at Davos on the final day of WEF. An investor asked me what the biggest challenge was when we look for investment. My response was simple: "Investors didn't believe that we could do it" His response brought everything full circle: "When you told me what you did, I thought the same thing... until you showed me the report on China that you guys created.” The beauty? We are post revenue and built this #bootstrapping. Yes, it was hard; but I know we’re going to change the world. Shout out to all those that believed in us Tod Hynes Glenn McCarthy Autodesk Morten Krogh-Moe Petter Egesund