From full-time physician to entrepreneur | Helping healthcare professionals with passive income strategies | CEO @ Dr. Breathe Easy Capital
Thanksgiving reminds us: The best things in life aren’t things at all. When I was deep into non-ending shifts and juggling my medical career, I barely had time to pause, let alone reflect. My focus was on the grind - helping patients, showing up, and doing my best. But then, one Thanksgiving, a mentor asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks: “What’s one thing you’re grateful for that money could never buy?” I have to admit, he caught me off guard. It wasn’t the income or the opportunities. It wasn’t even the success I’d been striving for. It was time. Time to breathe. Time to spend with loved ones. Time to pursue dreams that I constantly postponed. To wait for a “better time”. That moment shifted everything for me, and I realized gratitude wasn’t just an emotion. → It was fuel. Now, as I help other medical professionals invest in real estate and build passive income, I remind them of this: Your primary goal is not just wealth It should be a freedom to focus on what matters most. Not to the others. But to you. Specifically. So this Thanksgiving, I’m asking you the same question. Are you chasing success or cherishing the moments money can’t buy? Let me know your thoughts down below. ???? Happy Thanksgiving! PS) Will be having a webinar next week on Oil & Gas investing opportunities. More info on it soon… DM me if you’d like to receive a registration link to it earlier.