This type of event can happen to any driver, at any given moment. Lytx, Inc. and Geotab can add a layer of protection to your fleet that can save you money and potentially save your business. Get the full story below. #bettertogether
What protects your drivers protects your business. A good driver can make the right decision in a split second. But without proof, it might not matter. That’s what 3 Sisters Logistics learned when their veteran driver swerved to avoid a collision, and rolled his truck in the process. No one saw what really happened. Except the dash cam. With AI-powered video from Geotab and Lytx, Inc., delivered through Argos Connected Solutions, they had the proof that cleared their driver, and cut insurance costs by 30%. ? Real-time incident visibility ? Video evidence that tells the full story ? A stronger safety culture from the cab to the office This is what taking control of fleet safety looks like. Watch the full video here: #Lytx #3SistersLogistics #Argos