
Assembly of European Horticultural Regions


The AREFLH represents and defends the economic and social interests of regions and fruit and vegetable producers before the European authorities. We are a platform for the exchange of experiences and good practices, to promote partnerships and joint actions between regions and professional organizations. Through European fruit and vegetable CMO policies, promotion, research & innovation and territorial development, AREFLH actively contributes to supporting regional production and economies.

2-10 人
Fruits and vegetable sector和Flowers sector


  • 110 Quai de Paludate - MIN de Brienne

    BP 26 - Bureau 10


  • 21 rue Montoyer





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    ?? A crucial moment for the fruit and vegetable sector! ?? In recent weeks, the debate in #Brussels has focused on strengthening producer organisations and ensuring a fairer distribution of value in the supply chain. The revision of the Common Market Organisation (CMO) -presented by Commissioner Christophe Hansen during the EU AgriFood Days - introduces: ? New rules to support producer aggregation and strengthen their role ? Stronger protections against #UnfairTradingPractices in contracts and commercial transactions ?? A step forward for a more competitive and fair agriculture! ?? Watch AREFLH President, Simona Caselli, share her insights on these key reforms. #OCM #FairAgriculture #Agrifood #Farmers #AREFLH #EU

    ?? In queste settimane a #Bruxelles si sta discutendo un provvedimento cruciale per l’ortofrutta: la revisione delle regole dell’Organizzazione Comune di Mercato (OCM) e il rafforzamento della lotta alle pratiche commerciali sleali. #OCM: nuove regole per favorire l’aggregazione tra produttori, migliorare la loro posizione nella filiera e garantire una distribuzione più equa del valore. #PraticheSleali: misure più rigide per tutelare i produttori nei contratti e nelle transazioni commerciali ???? Un passo avanti per un’agricoltura più giusta e competitiva. Ne parla Simona Caselli, presidente AREFLH e socia onoraria della nostra associazione. Christophe Hansen European Commission

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    ?? Join the #Webinars for the Presentation of the LivingSoiLL #OpenCall! ?? The #LivingSoiLL Open Call invites soil-related stakeholders to submit proposals for establishing at least one new experimental site and actively participating in the co-design and implementation of innovative soil health approaches. This initiative will focus on the Living Labs in Loire Valley & Beaujolais ???? and Grójec ????. To support interested participants, #LivingSoiLL is hosting two webinars to present the #OpenCall and answer questions. ?? Join us for the webinars: ?? Loire Valley & Beaujolais ???? Living Lab ?? Date: 25th March 2025 | ?? 11:00 – 12:30 CET ?? Register here: ?? Grójec ???? Living Lab ?? Date: 1st April 2025 | ?? 11:00 – 12:30 CET ?? Register here: ?? Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to soil health innovation! #LivingSoiLL #SoilHealth #LivingLabs #Innovation #Sustainability #OpenCall


    700 位关注者

    ?? Webinars: Presentation LivingSoiLL Open Call! ?? ? The LivingSoiLL Open Call invites?soil-related stakeholders to submit proposals for establishing, at least, one new experimental site and engaging in the co-design and implementation of innovative soil health approaches within specific regions of Loire Valley & Beaujolais (France)?and?Grójec (Poland)?Living Labs. ? LivingSoiLL is organising two webinars to present the Open Call and clarify questions from interested participants. For Loire Valley & Beaujolais (France) Living Lab: ?? Date: 25th March 2025, 11:00 – 12:30 CET ?? Register: ? For Grójec (Poland) Living Lab: ?? Date: 1st April 2025, 11:00 – 12:30 CET ?? Register: ? For more details about the project, visit our website: ? We look forward to having you attend the event! ? ??Protect the soil, protect our future. ? #LivingSoiLL #OpenCall #SoilHealth #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #HorizonEurope #MissionSoil #LivingLabs ? - (French) ?? Webinaires : Présentation de l'Appel à Candidatures LivingSoiLL ! ?? L’appel à candidatures LivingSoiLL invite les parties prenantes concernées par la santé des sols à soumettre des propositions pour établir au moins un nouveau site expérimental. Les candidats retenus s'engageront dans la co-conception et la mise en ?uvre d'approches innovantes en matière de santé des sols dans les Living Labs du Val de Loire (Maine-et-Loire et Loire-Atlantique) et du Beaujolais (France) et de Grójec (Pologne) LivingSoiLL organise deux webinaires pour présenter l'Appel à Candidatures et répondre aux questions des participants intéressés. ? Pour le Living Lab du Val de Loire & du Beaujolais (France): ?? Date: 25 mars 2025, 11h00 – 12h30 CET ?? Inscription: ? Pour plus de détails sur le projet, visitez notre site web: Nous avons hate de vous voir lors de l'événement ! ? - (Polish) ?? Webinaria: Prezentacja naboru ?do LivingSoiLL! ?? LivingSoiLL zaprasza interesariuszy zwi?zanych z gleb? do sk?adania wniosków i wspó?pracy przy tworzeniu co najmniej jednej nowej powierzchni do?wiadczalnej oraz do zaanga?owania si? we wspólne projektowanie i wdra?anie innowacyjnych rozwi?zań poprawiaj?cych zdrowie gleby w wybranych regionach Doliny Loary i Beaujolais (Francja) oraz Grójcu (Polska) Living Labs. LivingSoiLL organizuje dwa webinaria, podczas których przedstawione zostan? zasady naboru oraz zostan? udzielone odpowiedzi na pytania zainteresowanych uczestników. Dla Living Lab Grójec (Polska): ?? Data: 1 kwietnia 2025, 11:00 – 12:30 CET ?? Rejestracja: ? W przypadku pytań skontaktuj si? z nami pod adresem [email protected]. Czekamy na Twoj? obecno?? na wydarzeniu!

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    ???? Horizon Europe Info Days – EU Missions ???? ?? 22-23 May 2025 ?? 09:30 (GMT+02:00) ?? Online Event - Streaming Looking for funding opportunities under Horizon Europe? Don’t miss this chance to learn about the new calls in the #EUMissionsWorkProgramme 2025! Key topics: ?? Climate Change Adaptation ?? Ocean & Water Restoration ?? A Soil Deal for Europe ?? 100 Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities ?? Cancer #HorizonEU #EUMissions #FundingOpportunities #Innovation #Research For more information ?? ??

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    ?? Biocontrol: Removing Regulatory Obstacles for a Greener Agriculture ?? Today is a very hectic day in Brussels! AREFLH took part also in the conference hosted by MEP Stefan K?hler, and co-organised by European Landowners' Organization and Agriodor at the European Parliament on Biocontrol. Thanks to Alain Thibault (Agriodor' CEO), Anne Marchadier (ELO's Director) and Jurgen Tack (ELO's Secretary General) for the invitation! This event highlighted the urgent need to accelerate the approval of biocontrol solutions in the EU. While these natural alternatives offer safe crop protection, slow and complex regulatory processes continue to hinder innovation and limit farmers' access to effective tools. A key takeaway was the commitment from DG SANTE, represented by Eric Thévenard (Head of Unit, Pesticides and Biocides), to streamline the access to biopesticides and to enhance mutual recognition between Member States—an important step toward faster market access while maintaining consumer safety as a priority. Speakers including Duarte Mira (Confederation of Portuguese Farmers), Achim Iminescu (Permanent Representation of Romania), and Glauco Bertoldo (Brazil Mission to the EU) stressed the need for a more agile regulatory framework and dedicated support for biocontrol adoption. The discussion also underlined the global dimension of these challenges and the importance of international regulatory alignment. Ensuring faster, science-based authorisations will be crucial to making biocontrol a pillar of Europe’s sustainable agriculture strategy. The proposals discussed today are a step in the right direction—now it’s time for action. #Biocontrol #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #GreenTransition #EUFarmers

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    ?? Mission Ocean and Water Forum – "Towards a Water Resilience Strategy for the EU"?? Today’s #MissionOcean and #Water Forum discussions focused on shaping a more water-resilient Europe. "Jessika Roswall (EU Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience, and a Competitive Circular Economy), highlighted key actions we must take to improve #watermanagement: ?? Promote #precisionirrigation across agriculture to optimize water use ?? Expanding smart metering to detect and reduce pipeline leakages ?? Promoting dry cooling over traditional methods in industrial processes While the #WaterResilienceStrategy cannot do miracles, it can set a clear direction of travel to strengthen our competitiveness by fostering innovation, partnerships & financing for sounder governance.” #MissionOcean #WaterResilience #EUInnovation #SustainableFuture

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    319 位关注者

    ?? Exciting Opportunity! Apply Now for the LivingSoiLL #OpenCall! ???? The LivingSoiLL project is now accepting applications! We are inviting soil-related stakeholders to join us in advancing innovative soil health solutions in our #LivingLabs in Loire Valley & Beaujolais ?????& Grójec ????. ?? Learn more & apply – Check out the announcement in French ???? and Polish???? below! ??


    700 位关注者

    ??We are excited to announce the LivingSoiLL Open Call ! ?? ? The LivingSoiLL project is now accepting applications! LivingSoiLL invites soil-related stakeholders to submit proposals for establishing, at least, one new experimental site and engaging in the co-design and implementation of innovative soil health approaches within our Living Labs in Loire Valley & Beaujolais (France) and Grójec (Poland). ?? ?? Who can apply? ? Proposals must be submitted by legal entities or consortia of two legal entities, established in France or Poland. ?? Funding opportunity – up to 35?000 or 75?000 € ?? Deadline: 5th May 2025, 17:00 CET ?? Apply here: ? ??Protect the soil, protect our future. ? #LivingSoiLL #OpenCall #SoilHealth #SustainableAgriculture #Innovation #HorizonEurope #MissionSoil #LivingLabs ? - (French) ?? Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer l’Appel à candidature LivingSoiLL ! ?? ? ?Les candidatures pour le projet LivingSoilLL sont maintenant ouvertes ! LivingSoiLL invite les acteurs impliqués dans la gestion des sols à soumettre leurs propositions pour établir au moins un nouveau site expérimental et participer à la co-conception et à la mise en ?uvre de solutions innovantes pour la santé des sols au sein de nos Living Labs en Val de Loire & Beaujolais (France) et à Grójec (Pologne). ? ?? Qui peut postuler ? ? Les propositions doivent être soumises par des personnes morales ou des consortiums d'au moins deux personnes morales, établis en France ou en Pologne. ?? Possibilité de financement – jusqu’à 35 000 € ou 75 000 € ?? Date limite: 5 mai 2025, 17h00 CET ?? Postulez ici : - (Polish) ? ?? Z rado?ci? og?aszamy otwarcie naboru do LivingSoiLL! ?? Projekt LivingSoiLL rozpocz?? przyjmowanie zg?oszeń! LivingSoiLL zaprasza interesariuszy zwi?zanych z gleb? do sk?adania wniosków dotycz?cych utworzenia co najmniej jednej nowej powierzchni do?wiadczalnej oraz do udzia?u we wspó?projektowaniu i wdra?aniu innowacyjnych rozwi?zań poprawiaj?cych zdrowie gleby w naszych Living Labs w Dolinie Loary & Beaujolais (Francja) oraz Grójcu (Polska). ? ?? Kto mo?e aplikowa?? ? Wnioski mog? sk?ada? podmioty prawne lub konsorcja co najmniej dwóch podmiotów prawnych, zarejestrowanych we Francji lub w Polsce. ?? Mo?liwo?? uzyskania finansowania – do 35 000 € lub 75 000 € ? ?? Termin sk?adania wniosków: 5 maja 2025, godz. 17:00 CET ?? Z?ó? wniosek tutaj: ?

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    ?? Exciting News for Innovators in Food, the Bioeconomy, and Sustainability! ???? The Horizon Europe—Cluster 6 Info Days are happening online on 20-21 May! ?? This is a key opportunity to explore upcoming funding calls for projects in food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and the environment. Registration details are below ?? ?

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    Looking for EU funding in food, the bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, or the environment?? Join us for the?#HorizonEU?online Info Days on 20-21 May ?? Learn about the upcoming Work Programme for 2025, gain insights into the policy context, and receive guidance on crafting successful proposals.? Info Days highlights:? ?? In-depth sessions on emerging topics? ?? ‘Key-to-success’ guidance session?? ?? Work?Programme?2025 topics? ?? A special focus on co-funded partnerships Looking for project partners? Don't miss the in-person Brokerage event and applicant training sessions?organised?by?CARE4BIO?project in Warsaw on 27-28 May ?? Find out more??????!bHUYQP

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    ?? 3rd Annual #MissionOcean and Water Forum ?? Today’s discussions at the #MissionOcean and #WaterForum focused on celebrating the latest #projectachievements and exploring strategies to #protect and #restore our ?? ocean and ?? ?? waters. The event provided a valuable opportunity to connect with initiatives driving these goals forward. Keynote speakers, including #CostasKadis (Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans), Ekaterina Zaharieva (Commissioner for Start-ups, Research, and Innovation), #PascalLamy (Mission Board Chair), and Kestutis Sadauskas (Mission Manager, Deputy Director-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries), emphasized the critical role of #research and #innovation in achieving the mission’s objectives. Key Topics Discussed: ?? Protecting and restoring marine and freshwater ecosystems ?? Preventing and eliminating pollution ?? Advancing climate neutrality and circularity in the blue economy ?? Developing the European Digital Twin of the Ocean ?? Public engagement in restoring ocean and water ecosystems ?? Funding opportunities for large-scale restoration projects With a collective commitment to action, the #MissionOcean and #Water initiative continues to pave the way for a more #resilient, #sustainable, and thriving aquatic environment. ???? #MissionOcean #WaterResilience #BlueEconomy #Innovation

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    ?? EU Missions Restore Our Ocean & Waters Days 2025! ?? We’re thrilled to take part in the 2nd edition of #EuropeanOceanDays, running from today until March 7, 2025! This week will spotlight key topics such as the #EUMissionOcean and #Waters, fisheries science, blue innovation & investment opportunities, and ocean literacy activities, among many others. ?? Key speakers John Bell (Deputy Mission Manager Director, DG Research & Innovation, EU Commission) and Paloma Aba Garrote (Director of CINEA, European Climate Infrastructure and Enviormental Executive Agency) emphasized the vital role of research and collaboration in shaping a more sustainable future for our planet. ?? Today’s highlights: ? Mission Ocean and Waters projects meeting ? Waves of Collaboration – Matchmaking for the Mission to Restore Oceans & Waters by 2030. We’re looking forward to connecting with institutions, #fosteringsynergies, and exploring consortium opportunities in the crucial field of #watermanagement and sustainability. ???? ?? Stay tuned for updates throughout the week! #EUmissions #HorizonEU #MissionOcean #Water

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