We're proud to support Seattle/King County Clinic to help folks access care for free thanks to the generosity of volunteers and sponsors! ??
Do you or someone you know struggle to access or afford healthcare? Seattle/King County Clinic returns April 24-27 and will again offer free dental, vision, medical, and social services at Seattle Center. Spread the word! Learn more at: seattlecenter.org/patients Swipe through for shareable graphics in English | Amharic ( ????) | Chinese (中文) | Chinese (傳統的) | Khmer (?????) |?Korean (???) | Marshallese (Kajin M?aje) | Oromo (Afaan Oromoo)| Russian (русский) | Somali (Soomaali) | Spanish (Espa?ol) | Tigrinya (????) | Ukrainian (Укра?нська) | Vietnamese (Ti?ng Vi?t)