At the Chandler Gilbert Communiity College’s Ironwood Hall, three parallel bars are positioned to create an interactive classroom building that serves as a gateway from the north end of the campus. The 58,459 sf Ironwood Hall contains nine science labs, classrooms, lecture halls, and 32 faculty offices. The unique mix of programs include Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Engineering, and Ceramics, which are carefully considered relative to the variety of resultant outdoor spaces that interconnect the project to the existing campus. The myriad of sustainable materials and strategies work together to create a didactic sustainable building that earned a LEED Gold rating and supports the campus’ mission as part of the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). Caliente Construction Inc. #architekton #architecture #design #CGCC #chandlergilbertcommunitycollege #ironwoodhall #highereducation