In addition to manufacturing Aquaphalt, we also have a traditional asphalt paving business. Check out this cool project we did paving the cart paths at Keswick Hall golf course.
Aquaphalt is a new, eco-friendly and truly permanent asphalt repair product. Used successfully in Europe for many years, Aquaphalt was officially launched in the U.S. in March, 2011 at ConExpo in Las Vegas. Unlike conventional "cold mix" asphalt products, Aquaphalt has no dangerous solvents, and reacts quickly with just plain water to form completely hard and permanent roadway repair.
1230 River Road
In addition to manufacturing Aquaphalt, we also have a traditional asphalt paving business. Check out this cool project we did paving the cart paths at Keswick Hall golf course.
Great job by one of our loyal telecom contractors in California. They appreciate the ease of install and permanence of Aquaphalt. Fix it right the first time!
If you’d like an Aquaphalt demonstration, please let us know. Aquaphalt can be installed all winter long, even in below freezing temperatures and comes with a 3-year warranty.
2 year follow up pictures on this Aquaphalt patch. A municipality was having trouble with this area because it gets heavy water flow during rain storms and it would wash out whatever they would use to repair the area. They found their way to Aquaphalt and it got the job done and now they are exclusively using Aquaphalt for all their asphalt repairs.
3-year follow up on an Aquaphalt patch. #pothole #departmentoftransportation #municipality
Great patch by a municipality that wants to fix it right the first time. #3yearwarranty #aquaphalt #pothole #asphaltrepair
Aquaphalt bonds to both asphalt and concrete. Check out this runway repair.
Great demo by Eric Dome with Grainger’s healthcare group.