AppFlowy is a privacy-first, open source workspace for your notes, wikis, projects, and more. You are in charge of your data and customizations, with no vendor lock-in.
Our?mission?is to enable everyone to achieve more with secure workplace tools.
We aim to enable everyone to unleash their potential and achieve more with secure workplace tools by upholding these core values from the very beginning:
- Data privacy first
- Community-driven extensibility
- Reliable and fast native app experience
- Continuous, fast-paced innovation
- Commitment to an open source philosophy
Since its GitHub launch in November 2021, AppFlowy has accumulated more than 46,000 stars, 270+ contributors, and more than 5,000 community members. The application has been downloaded half a million times.
AppFlowy was built with Rust from the very beginning. We saw Rust as a no-brainer option to create enterprise-grade productivity software because it is a high-integrity language that ensures stability, security, and performance. If you are a true believer in open source and passionate about using Rust to build world-class, open-source collaboration software together, we’d love to hear from you!
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