I know it’s easy to get a little jaded and discouraged about stuff lately, especially when it comes government and politics, so lemme tell you a mindblowingly wonderful little wintertime story.
Last month, City Councilman Zac Blanchard introduced Senator Antonio Hayes & West North Avenue Development Authority E.D. Chad Williams into an email thread about waterbottle.coop 's mission to create awesome jobs, affordable energy efficient housing, and community equity in #WestBaltimore.?In about zero seconds flat Senator Hayes and Director Williams jumped into the convo and
asked “when can we get with y’all for a #Sandtown-Winchester / #MatthewHenson walkabout?”
We scheduled that walkabout for yesterday, and despite the 20° temps, the gusting wind, the snowy icy sidewalks & streets, here are two public officials who showed up brought with them curiosity, enthusiasm, warmth, laughter and deep insight.
And get this.?The Senator and the Executive Director STAYED and WALKED AND TALKED, DEEPLY CONVERSED with ALL ELEVEN OF US, representing the co-op,its two business subsidies Rising Housing and Appalachian Field Services , and its kick-ass workforce partner Requity Foundation Inc.
I mean, talk about public service.
We got deep and weedsy and wonky.?Senator Hayes and Director Williams were frank about their concerns (ours is a rental model, not home onwership), open to hear us out (but our rental portfolio is owned by our construction workers and soon the tenants - creating an alternative path to real estate wealth for those who may never otherwise find it!), and wicked smart about the deets - they got it, and asked all of the right questions and immediately began lining up the public policy possibilities and cool collaborations we could build with other #WestBaltimore Champions!
Topics ranged from #workforcetraining, support for #immigrantworkers and residents, smashing the legacy of #redlining, various approaches to #affordablehousing and #communityequity, #GreenhouseGasReductionFunds, #cooperativeeconomics.?That’s just the tip of, well of course, the iceberg.
Really looking forward to keeping the convo going and really rolling up our sleeves with these two f’real public servants.?In the meantime, just wanted to tell this tale of “there is still good government in the world”, and, to shout out to all of the WaterBottle Co-op and Requity team:
Tabien Bates
Jazmin Idalma Hernandez
Juan Carlos Herrera
Jeison Nu?ez
Randy Ferrin
Lindsay Jones
Nehemias Brito
Yessenia Lidz
Michael Rosenband
who stepped up on a blustery Saturday to show and tell what we do, and of course to extend a deep thanks to Senator Hayes and Director Williams for coming out, really engaging, really caring, and really getting it.?All with good old fashioned humility and genuineness.
And get this.?All those hours in the ice. I never saw them shiver.?Not once.
Keep the faith y’all!