


Apidog = Postman + Swagger + Mock + JMeter


Design. Debug. Test. Publish. Mock. Build APIs Faster & Together.

11-50 人
San Francisco




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    查看Ashley Innocent Y.的档案,图片


    ?? Introducing ChatGPT with Canvas: The Future of Creative Collaboration! ???? Ever wanted to combine the power of AI with a dynamic visual workspace? ChatGPT with Canvas does just that! From brainstorming API flows to sketching project designs, this new feature from OpenAI is a game-changer for developers, designers, and content creators alike. ?? Whether you're working with complex APIs, developing new workflows, or just looking for a more creative way to collaborate, this tool offers the perfect blend of AI-generated content and real-time visuals. And if you're in need of a reliable API management tool, don't forget to check out Apidog for free! #AI #ChatGPT #Canvas #API #CreativeCollaboration #Innovation #Tech #Productivity

    ChatGPT with Canvas : A new way of working with ChatGPT to write and code

    ChatGPT with Canvas : A new way of working with ChatGPT to write and code

    Ashley Innocent Y.,发布于领英

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    Working with APIs and need to handle JSON data effortlessly? Python's got you covered! From reading and writing JSON files to parsing API responses, Python's json module makes it simple. Whether you're building complex apps or just starting out, understanding how to manipulate JSON is key for modern development. ?? Bonus tip: Tools like Apidog can supercharge your API workflow with seamless testing and documentation. ?? Give it a try! #Python #JSON #API #Apidog #DataScience #WebDevelopment #Coding #TechTips #DeveloperLife

    Working with JSON in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

    Working with JSON in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

    Ashley Innocent Y.,发布于领英

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    查看Guilherme Eduardo的档案,图片

    Desenvolvedor Front end - Java Script | Type Script | Bootstrap | Webpack | Github | Figma

    Apresento a vocês o início de um projeto focado na gest?o de vagas. Neste projeto, utilizei o Spring Web para a constru??o da API REST e APIDOG para gest?o da mesma, juntamente com algumas dependências do Spring, como o Spring Data, para comunica??o com o banco de dados em memória H2, que possui suporte a SQL. Também usei o Lombok para manter o código mais limpo, seguindo boas práticas. Na API, estou utilizando o método de requisi??o (http) POST para inserir dados de usuários através da rota /users. Ao inserir essas informa??es, o Spring Data transforma o objeto em uma tradu??o SQL via ORM. Implementei respostas personalizadas para o cliente através do ResponseEntity, ou seja, na primeira cria??o, o resultado é 201 (sucesso); já na segunda tentativa, o resultado é 400, com uma mensagem indicando que o "usuário já foi criado". Para confirmar a inser??o dos dados no banco e a integra??o correta, utilizei um comando SELECT básico para ilustra??o. Por fim, realizei um teste de todo o código usando JUnit, que levou 26,4 segundos e apresentou os resultados esperados. Estou feliz por conseguir praticar meus conhecimentos em Java!!!

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    查看Ashley Innocent Y.的档案,图片


    Hey everyone! I've just published a new article diving deep into the world of APIs and comparing two powerful tools: Apidog and Postman. ?? Curious to know which one comes out on top? In this in-depth comparison, I explore: Features and capabilities Collaboration tools Automation and testing Integration and extensibility Performance and user experience Pricing and support If you're looking to optimize your API development workflow, this article is a must-read. Plus, there's a special call-out to download Apidog for free and see its potential for yourself! Check it out and let me know your thoughts! ?? #API #Apidog #Postman #APIDevelopment #TechTools #Programming #SoftwareDevelopment #DevOps #APITesting #SoftwareEngineering

    Is Apidog Better Than Postman?

    Is Apidog Better Than Postman?

    Ashley Innocent Y.,发布于领英

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    查看Ashley Innocent Y.的档案,图片


    Check out my latest blog post on the top 15 open-source automation testing tools. Discover tools like Apidog, Selenium, JUnit, Appium, and more to enhance your testing process. Perfect for web, mobile, and API testing. ?? #AutomationTesting #OpenSource #SoftwareTesting #APITesting #WebTesting #MobileTesting #Selenium #JUnit #Appium #Cypress #Postman #Tech #QA #DevOps #TestAutomation #Apidog

    Top 15 Open Source Automation Testing Tools You Need to Check Out

    Top 15 Open Source Automation Testing Tools You Need to Check Out

    Ashley Innocent Y.,发布于领英

  • Apidog转发了

    查看Sameer Raza的档案,图片

    Product Hunt Consultant || AI Enthusiast || I help in Linkedin Growth??|| Personal Branding || Shining Brands Globally

    Hello everyone, we are excited to announce the launch of Apidog today. ?? Apidog, an all-in-one platform for API design, documentation, debugging, testing, mocking, and collaborations, has officially launched on Product Hunt today, and we need your support to make it a massive success!?? ?? Visit Apidog's Product Hunt page and click the "Upvote" button to show your support. ?? Share your thoughts and feedback about Apidog in the comment section. ?? Share our Product Hunt page with your network to help us reach even more people. ??Vote for Apidog:https://lnkd.in/gggTT3U2 Your support means the world to us and will shape the future of Apidog. Let's keep making API development a breeze together! Visit Here: https://lnkd.in/g_Sz-SAm

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    查看Fernando Franco的档案,图片

    PhD Senior Software Engineer | Algorithms, Distributed Systems, System Design, Computer Vision | Follow to become a better engineer

    As a software developer, I put a lot of work into building APIs. It's not just about writing code. Documentation, debugging, and testing are also critical. Switching between different tools for these tasks takes time. But I found a solution to save hours of effort. Apidog has all that I need in a single workspace: 1. Make an API You can create an API by hand or import an external one. The visual editor looks to me powerful yet very straightforward. To set the API path, the request method and parameters, and the response, only a few simple steps are needed. When you're done, publishing the API as online documentation is easy. 2. Mocking Without the back-end APIs, it's hard to start working on the front end. That's why Apidog supports mock functionalities, making your life easier. A built-in engine can auto-generate mock rules based on the API definitions. There is no need to do any configuration or write any scripts. You can also make your own rules with priorities different from those of auto-generated ones. 3. Testing You can set up test scenarios that run a bunch of APIs in a certain order to mimic a whole business process. But what I found most impressive is that you can also work with databases. You can set up the data you need and ensure the tests save it as you want. When you’re done with your tests, you can clean up the data. MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL are all supported. 4. Documentation Apidog lets you create API documentation and share it online. You can share all the APIs or manually select the ones you want. The shared documents can be public or password-protected, which is a plus when collaborating with external teams. If you want to boost your API development, try Apidog. It will make your job simpler.

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    查看Dicky Puja Pratama的档案,图片

    Sangat bersemangat dan antusias membentuk dan membangun tim yang produktif

    Part 1: https://lnkd.in/gSyVKmA4 Part 2: https://lnkd.in/gwhbmtJq Halo, pada video berikut ini saya membuat tutorial tentang Automation Functional Test menggunakan APIDOG. Manfaat membuat automation functional test dengan APIDOG antara lain: 1. **Efisiensi Waktu:** ??- Automasi tes memungkinkan pengujian dilakukan lebih cepat dibandingkan pengujian manual. APIDOG dapat menjalankan berbagai tes secara simultan sehingga menghemat waktu pengujian. 2. **Akurasi dan Konsistensi:** ??- Tes otomatis memastikan setiap tes dilakukan dengan cara yang sama setiap kali, mengurangi kemungkinan kesalahan manusia dan meningkatkan konsistensi hasil tes. 3. **Deteksi Dini Bug:** ??- Dengan menjalankan tes secara otomatis setelah setiap perubahan kode, bug dapat terdeteksi lebih awal dalam siklus pengembangan. Hal ini memungkinkan perbaikan segera sebelum bug menjadi lebih sulit dan mahal untuk diperbaiki. 4. **Pengujian Berkelanjutan:** ??- APIDOG mendukung integrasi dengan pipeline CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment), memungkinkan pengujian dijalankan secara otomatis setiap kali ada perubahan kode. Ini memastikan bahwa aplikasi tetap stabil sepanjang siklus pengembangan. 5. **Dokumentasi yang Lebih Baik:** ??- Hasil tes otomatis dapat disimpan dan digunakan sebagai dokumentasi yang menunjukkan bagaimana sistem berperilaku dalam berbagai kondisi. Ini membantu dalam audit dan dalam memahami perubahan historis pada aplikasi. 6. **Skalabilitas:** ??- APIDOG memungkinkan pengujian dalam skala besar tanpa memerlukan tambahan tenaga kerja. Tes dapat dijalankan pada berbagai lingkungan dan konfigurasi secara paralel, memastikan aplikasi berfungsi dengan baik di berbagai kondisi. 7. **Kemudahan Penggunaan:** ??- APIDOG menyediakan antarmuka pengguna yang intuitif dan fitur-fitur yang memudahkan pembuatan, pemeliharaan, dan eksekusi tes. Ini mengurangi kurva pembelajaran dan memungkinkan tim QA dan pengembang untuk fokus pada peningkatan kualitas aplikasi. 8. **Reusable Test Cases:** ??- Test cases yang dibuat dengan APIDOG dapat digunakan kembali untuk pengujian di masa mendatang, menghemat waktu dalam menyiapkan tes baru untuk fitur-fitur atau perubahan baru pada aplikasi. Dengan semua manfaat ini, menggunakan APIDOG untuk membuat automation functional test dapat meningkatkan kualitas aplikasi, mempercepat waktu pengembangan, dan mengurangi biaya pemeliharaan aplikasi dalam jangka panjang. #AutomationTesting #FunctionalTesting #APIDOG #TestAutomation #SoftwareQuality

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    ?? Revolutionizing API Development: The Rise of API-as-a-Service In today's fast-paced tech world, APIs are the backbone of modern software development. But what if we could make API creation and management even more efficient? Enter API-as-a-Service (APIaaS)! Key benefits of APIaaS: ? Faster time-to-market ? Reduced development costs ? Scalability and flexibility ? Enhanced security measures ? Simplified API lifecycle management APIaaS platforms are empowering businesses to focus on their core competencies while leaving the complexities of API infrastructure to the experts. Whether you're a startup or an enterprise, this model can significantly streamline your development process. Have you explored APIaaS solutions for your projects? Share your experiences or thoughts below! #APIaaS #SoftwareDevelopment #TechInnovation #DigitalTransformation https://lnkd.in/gpvhHHva

    API As A Service: What, How & Why

    API As A Service: What, How & Why

