Employee Benefits Broker & Strategic Business Partner | HRiQ Founding Member | Finance & Culture Geek trapped in a Benefits Broker's body! ??
Pay Transparency ahead for MA in 2025! If you are closing out budget season, this has to be a topic to address. There are 2 sides to this coin, the obvious financial impact, but more importantly the "race to the top of the pay scale" cultural impact. Below are some interesting stats from NY after their laws passed: 88% of workers will demand to know the salary range for their current position, if permitted by law; 68% will demand the highest end of known salary range 85% say they're more likely to apply to job that lists a salary range 63% worry salary transparency will cause problems among co-workers Time to strengthen the management bench to make sure they are prepared to handle these issues effectively. Join Jenifer Mortell Pinkham and the Apex Benefits Partners team in December to understand what is needed to meet compliance deadlines, and to have a practical understanding of challenges your business will face as this law goes into effect. #compliance #pay #wageequity #paytransparency #equalpay #salary #salarybenchmarking #payequity #hr #humanresources #finance #budget #partnership #clientscomefirst