A story worth reading is often lived by one who held nothing back. Amidst the ancient brands of today who rely on tales of old to represent themselves, we feel it best to build our story through current daily pursuits. We at Anya Roux will always choose to write our legend not let it be written for us.
My mind is tired, my hands are sore, and my whole body wants to rest. That's just the price of admission to have a number at the starting line. The pay-off is in what you can do after that. There are no promises of success, no guaranteed wins. However, there are also no guaranteed losses. It all comes down to how you run the race. I loved watching the Olympics the past few weeks. It can be the highest moment for an athlete, while simultaneously being the lowest for another. Through it all, I was constantly reminded of the human drive to overcome adversity and the truth that anyone can take the gold. I was inspired to push a little more, be a little better, and hope a little louder. Through all the politics and drama, the Olympics can be a stage for greatness. For stories to be etched into the annals of history. It is my opinion that we too can see our lives as such an event. We need only decide what we desire to gain from our own existence. I don't have any pictures from the Olympics so I'll share some photos of my own race. Aka leather fashion. #parisolympics #lifeadvise #luxuryfashion