THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR INCARCERATED FIREFIGHTERS! To show our appreciation, here is an update on all things ARC Firefighter Fund.
As a result of your enormous generosity,?ARC has raised more than?$1.8 MILLION for our incarcerated firefighters!!!?With these funds, we have already provided immediate support, and are beginning to implement necessary infrastructure updates to our fire camps, and scholarships for individuals wishing to pursue firefighting careers after release. Here are a few examples of where your support has gone so far. ??
Immediate needs: We served over 30 meals at the Rose Bowl and Holton Basecamps for nearly 500 incarcerated firefighters each. Thanks to Irv’s Burgers, Maple Block Meat Co, Jon and Vinny's, Chef Jeff, Raising Cane’s and many more for showing up to feed these heroes!
Fire camp upgrades: Our Sacramento staff packed?over 180 hygiene kits and ordered 40 new pairs of boots. See pictures!
Scholarships: Since launching the Firefighter Fund, we have welcomed two crew members home so far and provided both with scholarships. One young man, Fausto Lopez, is now attending UC Riverside. We are currently preparing five more scholarships for Pine Grove youth coming home from incarceration, and are looking forward to supporting hundreds more in the months and years to come.
We are so grateful to our partners at WME, who played an enormous role in helping us coordinate meals for our incarcerated firefighters. We are equally thankful to their many wonderful clients, who supported this fundraiser as well.
Thank you to everyone who has supported our Firefighter Fund! While we can’t possibly name everyone here, each one of you has helped us make a huge difference.
#AntiRecidivismCoalition #FireFighterFund