Our co-founder reflects on a great day visiting the grad school lab that inspired Ansa's game-changing DNA synthesis technology. It must be so fulfilling to give back to the place that started it all!
Daniel Lin-Arlow and I stared working on DNA synthesis in grad school because we saw our labmates in the Keasling Lab struggle to get the DNA constructs they needed for their experiments. They had amazing ideas for how to engineer microbes that could sustainably manufacture chemicals, but so many projects got stalled, delayed, or cancelled due to DNA synthesis problems. Nearly ten years after we started working together on new methods for DNA synthesis in the Keasling Lab, and 6 years after spinning out Ansa Biotechnologies, Inc., we've built a DNA synthesis platform that can finally make a big impact on the world. Our platform can reliably build sequences that are very difficult or even impossible for other DNA synthesis companies to manufacture. These types of sequences are not just oddball curiosities; they're essential for the next generation of biological engineering applications. Therefore it was incredibly fulfilling to hand-deliver six complex DNA constructs encoding engineered polyketide synthase enzymes to our former grad school lab, our inspiration, and where this all began. The constructs were designed to instruct microbes to sustainably produce valuable chemicals. The lab was struggling to obtain these constructs from conventional sources, and we're proud to say that our platform successfully produced them all on the first try! We also joined current lab members for a fireside chat about our journey starting a company after grad school. It was a great day. Thanks to Jay Keasling for the invite!