(ESP) Si rompemos el cascarón de un huevo ejerciendo presión desde afuera la vida se detiene, si esta fuerza viene de adentro la vida comienza. Esta metáfora nos hace recordar que el crecimiento y desarrollo vienen de adentro hacia afuera. Para alcanzar objetivos ambiciosos que incluyan a la humanidad completa, comencemos primero dando pasos en desarrollarnos en lo individual. Esta es la propuesta de la organización sin fines de lucro Inner Development Goals. Y nuestra propuesta particular del Inner Development Goals AMERIKUA Hub es desarrollar estos objetivos internos recordando la sabiduría antigua que ya reside en nosotros. ------- (ENG) If we break the shell of an egg by applying pressure from the outside, life stops; if this force comes from within, life begins. This metaphor reminds us that growth and development come from the inside out. To achieve ambitious goals that include all of humanity, we should start by taking steps to develop ourselves individually. This is the proposal of the non-profit organization Inner Development Goals. Our particular proposal at the Inner Development Goals AMERIKUA Hub is to develop these internal goals by remembering the ancient wisdom that already resides within us.
Inner Development Goals AMERIKUA Hub
Hub comprometido a la práctica de IDGs a través de la sabiduría ancestral de los pueblos americanos originarios.
Somos un HUB integrado por mujeres que tienen como compromiso el recordar, practicar y custodiar la sabiduría ancestral de civilizaciones originarias del continente americano como los Mayas, Mexicas, Mapuches, Lakotas, entre otras, y proponer prácticas sagradas como un camino para el desarrollo de Inner Development Goals.
- 网站
Inner Development Goals AMERIKUA Hub的外部链接
- 所属行业
- 非盈利组织
- 规模
- 2-10 人
- 类型
- 非营利机构
- 创立
- 2024
FROM LOVE ?? an IDGs journey will start this 2nd and 3rd of July in Barcelona. We are honored to invite you to this powerful Journey that Dalila Hernández could not express better on her invitation. All welcome!
Coach de Liderazgo Inspirador, para equipos y líderes orientados a crear resultados tangibles, basados en un propósito visionario, en espa?ol, inglés y francés.
From polarity to oneness: bringing the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine into the workplace. The (post) industrial revolution symbolizes an era dominated by solar energy—the energy of doing, producing, achieving, conquering at all cost. Coffee became a stimulant to help people work longer and pursue more… As we experience the consequences of that era on humanity, all living species, and the Earth, we also sense the birth of a new era. This new era is deeply rooted in moon energy, characterized by the circular energy of being, feeling, and acting through the source of community and in collaboration with the Elements of Nature. Recognizing this paradigm shift, Manuela Pagani Larghi, Berenice Hernández and I gave birth to From Love Journey. This is an IDG journey inspired by Theory U, spiritual and ancient wisdom. Imagine yourself in a circle with other change-makers, gathered around a bonfire, reconnecting with the wisdom of your heart through the practice of an ancient ritual—a ceremony of cacao, the Food of Gods. Due to its natural properties, Cacao is a “heart-opener”, symbolizing this new era where qualities such as humility, connectedness and courage are embodied. From this inner space, we can co-create and prototype new or ancient habits, transforming the workplace into a space of deeper connection for the common good. We invite you to learn more about our program for the Kick-off event of From Love Journey, taking place on July 2nd and 3rd in Barcelona. https://lnkd.in/e5QMFppb Watch our short video here, where you can feel our energy with which we have co-created this journey for you. https://lnkd.in/ek9MWAE4 If you feel this journey resonates with you, please pre-register here: https://lnkd.in/emqMZ2ta In practicing the art of conscious payment, money should not be an impediment to participation. Please send me a private message, if you would like to participate and may not have the necessary financial means to do so. With deep appreciation and gratitude,
?Qué significa AMERIKUA? Es el nombre ancestral del continente americano que deriva del vocablo maya AMERRIKUA que se llega a interpretar como la tierra que conecta con todas las Direcciones. Ba?ada por ambos lados por los dos océanos más grandes, Atlántico en el Oriente (salida del Sol) y Océano Pacífico en el Poniente (puesta del Sol), Amerikua es el único continente que conecta los 2 polos planetarios, Polo Norte y Polo Sur. Esta fue nuestra principal inspiración para nombrar este HUB que pretende recordar las prácticas sagradas de civilizaciones antiguas de este místico continente.