Coaching your reps ≠ enabling your reps.
Most sales leaders make this crucial mistake.
They invest thousands of dollars on tools, training courses & materials - in hopes to “enable” their reps to success.
..but then spend ZERO time & effort, to ensure that the reps absorb the training & apply it effectively in their role.
So instead of seeing skill development in their reps, & increased pipeline as a result -
Leaders find themselves stuck in the SAME position, but now with less time & resources to solve for it.
And who get’s the blame?
The sales rep - for not bringing back results.
And sales enablement - for not “doing their job”.
All because of a coaching problem.
Instead, if we want to develop world-class sales reps, who can consistently bring back results -
Not only should we provide them with the right training & resources on the front end.
But we should also take proper steps, to reinforce the training on the back end.
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