The first Swanson TV dinner was?a Thanksgiving meal that hit grocery store shelves on September 10, 1953. #funfact
Question: The first TV dinner was invented in 1953. What was it? Leave your guesses below and check back later today for the answer! Why "Dooley?" Inspired by the founder's alma mater - Emory University's spirit mascot, Dooley represents the voice of the student body. And when Dooley shows up to your class, you can count on a fun time and the rest of the day off! #alucidsolutions #techtrivia #techhistory #itservices #itsolutions #techindustry #techservices #itlifecyclemanagement #itinfrastructure #ithardware #thirdpartymaintenance #itad #itassetdisposition #itassetrecovery #itassetretrieval #networkengingeer #responsiblerecycling #sustainabletech #itassetretrieval #businesscontinuity #disasterrecovery #itconsulting #datacenters #datacentermove #datacenterrelocation