Alliance for Lifetime Income转发了
? I'm delighted to join the Retirement Income Institute as an Education Fellow! I'm excited to work alongside this incredible group of researchers and educators. ?????? I've been involved with the Alliance for Lifetime Income since my days at CANNEX Financial Exchanges Ltd. and always valued the Institute's work making retirement research accessible and useful to financial professionals and beyond. Jason Fichtner, Ph.D. and I have talked about the growing interest in annuities in 401(k) plans, and my recent work thinking about how to best explain these products. Of course, I'm still dedicated to helping people better understand the role of lifetime income in general. #AnnuityYoda #ProtectedIncome #LifetimeIncome #education #research Toland Consulting / 401(k) Annuity Hub IncomePath
Excited to announce that the Retirement Income Institute has a new Education Fellow. Welcome Tamiko Toland - the "Annuity Yoda". Tamiko brings a wealth of knowledge and industry experience on annuities and lifetime income to our already fantastic group of Research & Education Fellows. Alliance for Lifetime Income David Blanchett Ankul Daga Colin Devine Michael Finke Chris Heye, PhD Wade Pfau Fred Reish Branislav Nikolic Jean Chatzky Miata Edoga Richard Leider Anne Lester Suzanne Norman, CIMA?, CPCC Jae Oh