Pointe Angels investors beat the unseasonable March heat yesterday to see Innovation presentations, share perspectives, and play Carp Tank?. John-Timothy Anyanwu gave a preview of Carbon Scavenger, a railroad CO2 scrubber that sequesters diesel locomotive exhaust carbon. Cole Confer previewed somaLYNC, a virtual matchmaker for physicians to talk with leading medical Key Opinion Leaders. Scott Craig gave a full Venture Presentation on HiPer Fibers, a U-M spinout producing additives for ultra high-performance concrete. Adam Koehler presented Content Credits, an innovative way for readers to bypass web paywalls while delivering value to publishers and writers. Javier Evelyn gave an update on Alerje's progress, and a major new Investment Partner for its food-allergy intervention technology. Congratulations to our Spirit of Pointe Angels winner Leonard Sachs for his superior Carp Tank? investor-gameplay. Innovation appears undaunted by economic uncertainty. Angels have their pick of promising ventures, at investor-friendly terms. It's good to be an Angel. Adam Kaplan Andrew McColm Aubrey Martinson K. Bobbi Carbone MD MBA Craig Fowler Daniel Sem David C. Bloom David Maas Drew Mcusic G. Edward Kriese Jim Agley Jimmy Gwizdala Ken Olson Kristin Welch Micaela Trexler, PhD Rosario Agley Ryan Ninneman Scott Garberding Sherif El-Tawil Siya Shah Steven Enwright