What are you doing tomorrow (Saturday 9/28)? How about some ghost-hunting in Pasadena?!
Got plans this Saturday? If not, why not embrace the eerie and take a tour of one of the many haunted historic landmarks in honor of National Ghost Hunting Day? Pasadena, where A4E is based, is home to its fair share of spooky spots, like the Pasadena Playhouse and the old Green Street Hotel, both rumored to have lingering spirits from the past. But the intrigue doesn’t stop here. Educational buildings across the country have their own ghostly tales. For example, Reed College in Portland, Oregon, is said to have a haunting presence in its library. Down in Austin, Texas, the University of Texas has reports of paranormal sightings at the Littlefield House. And in New Jersey, Princeton University is home to several haunted halls, including Nassau Hall, where footsteps and ghostly figures are often seen. At A4E, we love the way architecture connects us to history, and sometimes that connection takes on a life of its own… or does it? Which haunted landmark are you visiting this Saturday? Let us know your ghost-hunting plans! #NationalGhostHuntingDay #HauntedLandmarks #HistoricalArchitecture