The #EOSC Macro-Roadmap is a unique marketplace where both expected and delivered outcomes of the EOSC-related activities and projects are showcased with an eye toward long-term #sustainability pathways. With more than 130 entries, the Macro-#Roadmap can be used by EOSC stakeholders as a tool to understand how the community is converging toward the deployment of the EOSC Federation. The Macro-Roadmap gathers in one place selected contributions from the two parties to the EOSC Partnership: EU project results and the EOSC-A Members’ in-kind contributions (Additional Activities) and EOSC-A Task Force Deliverables. A joint effort of the Partnership, supported by EOSC Focus, the Macro-Roadmap is continuously updated and extended. Expected results from the 2023 #INFRAEOSC projects will begin to be added this spring, together with an increasing number of use cases, case studies and best practices reported by the EOSC-A membership. These highlighted contributions to EOSC can also be downloaded as attractive PDF one-pagers. Explore EOSC Macro-Roadmap here: