We had two fantastic days in Paris to discover the French #agri and #agtech ecosystems, learn how to best engage with farmer and agri clients in France, and the types of business, financial and startup incubator/accelerator supports available from a variety of organisations such as Business France, Groupe Crédit Agricole - both of which we thank most sincerely for helping organise our French fact finding mission. Good contacts made, which AgTech Ireland members wishing to do business in France, or increase their activity there, may value in future! We were lucky to hear from Tatiana Hanks and Stéphanie Potok about the programmes run by INRAE to support French agtech start ups, whether they originate from university labs or external entrepreneurs - some farm-based. We also made promising contacts with La Ferme Digitale, represented by COO ROMAIN FAROUX and Head of Communications Romane Richez, which is a representative body for #agtech in France with very similar missions and vision to AgTech Ireland's. This was followed by a session kindly hosted by Embassy of Ireland France - Ambassade d'Irlande en France's Agricultural Attaché Ciaran Gobl. Olivier Frey explained the complexities of the organisations - co-ops, chambers of agriculture, private consultants and more - which influence farmers' decision making in sustainability practices and their choices of agtech investments. Then ALLTECH KEENAN France's DG Sébastien Moulis explained how the company evolved and had to manage its #B2B and #B2C approaches for farmers, co-operatives and other agricultural buyers. Lots of learnings from their experience for other agtech companies wishing to sell to French farmers! After a networking dinner on the Seine with Compagnie des Bateaux-Mouches, day two was all about financial and business supports from Groupe Crédit Agricole, who have developed different forms of financial offerings, some in partnership with European funds, to promote the agricultural transition by supporting French farmers and European #agtech solution development. With 50% of French farmers banking with Groupe Crédit Agricole, they prove that agriculture is in their DNA with the extensive network of their Le Village by CA incubation and acceleration hubs. Louanne Guigueno the details of the programmes run by Le Village by CA and Alumnus company MyEasyFarm's Christophe Zollner explained the evolution of the company's data gathering and processing for farms practicing precision and regenerative agriculture. A really engaging couple of days, with many good contacts made which will give rise to further engagements, possibly even future collaborations! Thank you to all the French organisations' participants for giving of their time and energy to engage with us in the last two days.