Kudos to Jamie McKnight (Research Assistant with the Rutgers Hub for Aging Collaboration), who is doing such great work in so many spaces and in so many ways!
Advanced Standing MSW student Jamie McKnight has been serving the Mental Health Association of New Jersey for her practicum placement this academic year. Last month, she presented at the New Jersey Peer Connections Whole Health Expedition on social wellness and fostering connections with her task supervisor, Hope Shawlinski. "The experience was so valuable and warmed my heart," McKnight said. "I asked the audience what they will take with them from the presentation, and one attendee said my presentation gave him the confidence to reach out to his estranged family members and build up a relationship with them again. His response gave me my own sense of confidence. Imposter syndrome is something many individuals in social work experience, and moments like these serve as a reminder that I do belong and am making a meaningful impact.”