Age Without Limits

Age Without Limits



We are Age Without Limits, a campaign from the Centre for Ageing Better. We are supporting people to change the way we all think about ageing. Will you be part of the change?

11-50 人


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    Jill told us: “I think of the things I’ve said…A classic is something I heard from my mother, ‘mutton dressed as lamb’, and now I’ll say to my daughters; ‘am I too old for this?’ “I suddenly realised that over the years, some of my attitudes have been ageist and I’d not even been aware of it. Yet it's the one ‘ism’ we will all eventually become part of.” Turning 60 was a milestone for Jill - and it wasn’t helped by her own earlier attitudes towards ageing. “I suddenly felt I didn’t have much time left and I feared I’d lost part of who I was. I realised that if I see getting older as a negative thing, that’s going to affect how I feel and interact. We need to understand what we can do to develop a more positive attitude towards ageing.” Thinking negatively about ageing and older people has been accepted and ignored for too long. Join a growing movement of people and organisations working to make society more age-inclusive #AgeWithoutLimits ?? Sign-up to receive campaign news here

    • Jill on her holidays
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    Did you know that there are no rules that newspapers and magazines need to follow when it comes to avoiding age discrimination?? If you think that #ageist headlines should become a thing of the past, join us and call on print regulators @IpsoNews to add avoiding age discrimination to the official guidance that journalists must follow: See ?? #AgeWithoutLimits #PositiveAgeing #Inclusion

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    We ALL need workplaces and recruitment processes to become more age-friendly so that age is no longer a barrier to people finding jobs, or employers finding people.

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    What age are job candidates deemed "too old" for a role? According to a new Totaljobs survey, 57 is the average age that job candidates are believed to be "too old" for the role. A stark reminder that ageism is all too prevalent in the workplace and how costly it is, for both individuals, and the economy in the shape of £138bn in lost output according to the new analysis. A vital reminder why we need as many employers as possible to show they recognise the importance and value of older workers and sign our Age-friendly Employer Pledge.

    Employers overlook millions due to hiring ageism

    Employers overlook millions due to hiring ageism

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    "We want our older residents to be seen for the amazing contributions, influences and impacts they make to their communities.” How we are represented as we grow older matters, and authentic, positive images play a vital role in challenging stereotypes about ageing. Age Friendly North Norfolk celebrated age-positive imagery with a photography competition and exhibition to mark our last action day - which included these fantastic images! Read more at ?? If you’re looking for free-to-use, age-positive images for your work or project, don’t forget you can explore our image library - Photo credits: 'Champion 2' by Darren Neale, 'Young at heart' by Russell Sparkes, 'Red Hat Ladies' by Sally Redgrave #ImageLibrary #Representation #FreeImages #PositiveAgeing

    • A man with a white beard and bright blue racing top rides his mountain bike across beautiful scenery
    • An older man enjoying swinging on a rope swing in the countryside
    • Five older ladies in flamboyant purple outfits with red hats paddle in the sea
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    What do you think about the way in which newspapers represent older people? Frequently, the media’s stereotypical portrayal of older people pits generations against each other, and contributes to #ageist attitudes, beliefs & behaviours. You can take action by joining us to call on print regulators @IpsoNews to add avoiding age discrimination to the official guidance that journalists must follow: See ?? #AgeWithoutLimits #PositiveAgeing #Inclusion

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    “I don’t feel as if I can make myself heard in the job market, which is frustrating,” one job seeker complained to us. “There’s no question that ageism is very much present in the workplace, but not fully identified or challenged. As I’ve got older, the gap between jobs has got longer, despite appropriate qualifications and bags of experience. “It can be so hard to pinpoint age bias but I hear it in the feedback I get to another failed application, when the recruiter says ‘you wouldn’t want to be managed by someone half your age’, or that ‘you’re over qualified for the role, and would leave quickly’ or even ‘you aren’t quite the right cultural fit’. These are really quite insulting ideas that shouldn’t have to be tolerated in the 21st century. With the UK’s ageing population we need intergenerational workplaces to flourish, and younger workers’ fresh perspectives to complement the judgment, problem-solving, and mentoring skills of the older worker.” Learn more about ageism in the workplace and what support is available #PositiveAgeing #Inclusion #EqualityDiversityInclusion #AgeWithoutLimits #Recruitment

    • A woman working at a desk
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    Dehumanising. Offensive. Stereotyping. Condescending. Patronising. These are a just few of the words that people used about real newspaper headlines that talked about older people. Today is the UN’s International Day of Older People and so the perfect day to call for older people to be more fairly portrayed in the media. If you think that #ageist headlines should become a thing of the past, join us and call on print regulators @IpsoNews to add avoiding age discrimination to the official guidance that journalists must follow: See ?? #AgeWithoutLimits #PositiveAgeing #Inclusion #IDOP

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    "I need to shrink my CV!" That's what we were told by older jobseekers in Birmingham, who felt pressured to take older but valuable jobs off their CV to stand more chance with recruitment consultants and employers. One in three people aged over 50 believe they have been turned down for a job because of their age. Workplaces and recruitment processes need to become more age-friendly so that age is no longer a barrier to people finding jobs, or employers finding people. Learn more about #Ageism in the workplace and what support is available #PositiveAgeing #Inclusion #EqualityDiversityInclusion #AgeWithoutLimits #Recruitment
