We’ll be down in San Diego this week for this Defense Salon on “Autonomous Systems Reshaping Global Defense.” Looking forward to a dynamic conversation around our evolving role in global security, how autonomy is reshaping how we project power, and how to get these systems to end-users
Looking forward to our upcoming Deep Tech Salon in San Diego focusing on "Autonomous Systems Reshaping Global Defense" next Thursday, March 20th from 6 pm to 9 pm! As autonomous systems rapidly transform defense capabilities, we're bringing together an intimate group of ~50 carefully selected leaders to explore what's next in this critical domain. We will cover anchoring topics from leaders in: ?? Aerial & Maritime Autonomy ?? Edge AI & Machine Learning ?? Human-Machine Teaming Followed by discussion moderated by Patrick Grilli (Fenwick & West) and Prad Parthiban (Newlab). We're thrilled by the participation from leading organizations across defense innovation, venture capital, and founders - creating a powerful intersection of expertise in one room. (Dan Magy ???? - Firestorm, Michael D. Brasseur, Hunter Brown - Anzu Partners, Andrew Bartholomew & Rafaella Fontes - Fulcrum Venture Group, Travis DeMeester, Newt McKissick, John Winn - Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), Aymerik Renard - HCVC, Mike Sims, Geoff Douglass - Mythos AI, Amir Emadi - Airwai, Inc) The implications for national security, commercial applications, and strategic advantage make this conversation timely and essential for decision-makers in this space. Special thanks to our co-hosts and partners for making this important gathering possible. Fenwick & West, Samuel MacGregor - Leonid Capital Partners, Alejandro Guerrero - Stifel Bank, Drew W. - Alumni Ventures, Newlab, Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), Aero X Ventures.