Everyone who is suffering in any way needs this book! By practicing the teachings for 21 days as suggested in the book wit will change your life! It also has a 21 day work printable book available if anyone wants it just dm me its free with the book.
?? Exciting News! ???????? My book, Achieving the Christ Frequency, is now live on its first platform: Barnes & Noble! ?? This release marks the beginning of a journey as it becomes available in every format worldwide. For those wondering, “Frequency” refers to Spirit—the divine energy that connects us all. This book isn’t just a read; it’s a practice designed to help you align with a higher level of consciousness, inspired by the teachings of Jesus and enriched by wisdom across spiritual traditions. I highly recommend the ??audiobook version, crafted with Hemi-Sync and binaural sound technology. This unique audio format synchronizes the left and right brain??, helping you deepen your understanding and retention of the book’s profound teachings. This work invites you to actively engage in practices that elevate spiritual awareness, transforming how you live and love. For my Christian readers, rest assured: this book is designed to deepen your current faith, not challenge it. While I’ve included insights inspired by Buddha's teachings, they align with Jesus’s message of love and compassion. In fact, Buddha’s philosophy was never intended as a religion; this label emerged much later due to institutional changes. We have so much to learn from ancient wisdom, and when it aligns with love, compassion, and understanding, it resonates universally. ?? This is an early release price! It will increase in 4 weeks, so get your copy today. ?? And stay tuned! This is just the first of over 100 platforms where it will soon be available. Check out the full list below to see where it’s coming next: Available Now: Barnes & Noble (eBook) https://lnkd.in/gfRBCpFt Coming Soon: Kindle (eBook) Amazon Print (Paperback) Audible (Audiobook) Spotify Apple Books Google Play Books Kobo Nook Audiobooks OverDrive Hoopla Scribd Audiobooks .com Baker & Taylor Bibliotheca EBSCO Storytel BOL .com Bookmate BookBeat Axiell Bokus Play AudiobooksNow Independent Bookstores (Print) Libraries (Print, eBook) ?? Join me on this journey and discover a path to align with the Christ Frequency and elevate your consciousness! #AchievingTheChristFrequency #SpiritualAwakening #HigherConsciousness #ChristConsciousness #DivineConnection #MeditativePractices #BinauralBeats #HemiSync #BarnesAndNoble #NewBookRelease #LoveAndCompassion #WisdomAcrossTraditions