Congratulations to AdapTronics, Astradyne and REA Space for winning the first call for start-ups of ESA Spark Funding! The fund,?launched in Italy in 2024?with a budget of €1.35 million to #finance feasibility studies and demonstration projects aimed at testing new technological solutions and promoting #technology transfer, is managed by?STAM S.r.l., a Genoa-based tech company with a team of 100 employees and?a long experience in #space projects. STAM operates as the?Technology Broker?for Italy on behalf of European Space Agency - ESA, in collaboration with Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI). Read more: ESA Space Solutions | ESA Commercialisation Gateway | I3P - Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico Torino | Politecnico di Torino | Fondazione LINKS | Regione Piemonte | Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo | Camera di commercio di Torino #ESABIC #SpaceEconomy #business #innovation