Stay tuned for posts about our grantees over the course of the year!
?? It's a #GreatDay! The AcruxKC Health Education Committee just approved $245,000+ in #GrantAwards to 18 bi-state Kansas City-area school districts and charter schools. ?? ?? Meeting the #Health needs of students supports #SchoolAttendance, concentration, and overall well-being. Launched in 2017, our invitation-only Legacy Grants for Student Health program awards funds for health screening equipment, #MentalHealth and #EmergencyPreparedness training, and other needs. #LearnMore at and #WatchThisSpace for posts about our grantees! AcruxKC is proud to support #StudentHealth! Today's kids are tomorrow's leaders, parents, and employees! #Schools #StudentHealth #Health #Healthcare #Grants #KansasCity #GreaterKansasCity #LOVEMyJob #MakingADifference