Marching toward your goal! Match Day is just seven days away! #Match #DOProud #OsteopathicMedicine #Match2025
The ACOOG will provide an Osteopathic Community for the support, fellowship and engagement of women’s healthcare professionals.
201 Main St.
6th Floor
US,Texas,Fort Worth,76102
Marching toward your goal! Match Day is just seven days away! #Match #DOProud #OsteopathicMedicine #Match2025
Sometimes you just need to draw a line in the sand. (It's ok! It's sand!) Setting boundaries helps maintain your own well-being. #WellnessWednesdays #ACOOGWellnessWednesday
!! Agenda Addition !! Don't Miss This!! "The Internet's OB/GYN", Dr. Jen Gunter has joined the roster of engaging and expert presenters at ACOOG's Annual Conference (4/6-11 in Palm Springs; Gunter's presentation will be virtual). Known by the nickname "Twitter's Resident Gynecologist", Dr Gunter is also widely read as a New York Times columnist covering women's health, an author, and a specialist in chronic pain medicine and vulvovaginal disorders. Registration required; visit
Don't wait: REGISTER with ACOOG + RESERVE your ROOM at the beautiful Omni Rancho Las Palmas in Palm Springs at the conference rate through this Friday! Follow the links at
SESSION SPOTLIGHT: This year's Distinguished Fellows Honorary Presentation will be given by Dr. Kardie Tobb, Medical Director for Cone Health . As a non-invasive preventative cardiologist, she has a keen interest in women’s cardiovascular health with emphasis on cardio obstetrics. Hear her in person on Monday 4/07 at ACOOG's Annual Conference!
Practice gratitude by writing down three things you're thankful for today: 1. 2. 3. #WellnessWednesday #ACOOGWellnessWednesday
This news affects many: 64% of women 36 to 40 (among a group of 4,400 American women 30 and older who responded to a survey offered online) reported problems that met the criteria for “moderate” or severe” menopause symptoms, researchers report in the journal npj Women’s Health. But - they're not talking to their doctors about it - because they think they are too young. Hat tip to American Osteopathic Association for the important share! Read more at the link:
See yourself here: in person, interacting with colleagues, learning the latest about the practice of women's healthcare. Register today - while there's room at the hotel - for ACOOG's 92nd Annual Conference in Palm Springs next month.