I've been quiet for the past few weeks and this is a rather long Friday update.
As you may know, I'm a "???????????????? ????????????" ?? kinda guy.
I'm also a "??????'?? ?????????? ????????" kinda guy.
I held off on making this update here, until we got the all clear today. ??
Two weeks ago we raced to save our dogs life when his lungs collapsed due to air in his chest cavity. Or in medical terms, a spontaneous pneumothorax cased by an egg-sized bubble or bullae that formed in his left lung and began leaking air. In short, ???? ?????? ??????????.
We rushed Ozzy, our 3-year old Belgian Tervuren, to the Veterinary Emergency Group in the wee hours of the morning. There, the amazing doctors and team extracted the air from his chest, through his ribcage to stabilize him, triaging and prepping him for his next journey to BluePearl Pet Hospital.
Over the next seven days, the team of critical care doctors and surgeons at Blue Pearl worked to find, extract, patch, and resolve Ozzy's condition. We evaluated the options and Ozzy went in for highly invasive life saving surgery through his sternum. Over several days Ozzy received more treatment and monitoring. Finally being allowed to return home last weekend. Over the course of this week our whole family have been monitoring Ozzy and today he received the 'all clear' from his check in with the doctor.
Positive vibes Friday! Now we track the long road to recovery.
Ozzy is a rescue, who had a terrible start at life, and I always say that I'm his "?????????????? ??????????." It's more than that, he's part of our family, part of our company, and part of our team. He's also my ears (I'm hard of hearing), and my early warning system. Thank you Ozzy, you're the furry embodiment of resiliency (thinking of you guys James Green and Norvell Barber)!
In retrospect, a word of advice:
If you have pet insurance, it's likely that you don't have enough coverage for something like this - I didn't, but it took some of the financial burden. If you don't carry pet insurance, or aren't fortunate enough to have it, I wish you all the luck in the world. ??
I am very fortunate that I have amazing and considerate clients and partners, and incredible friends who have provided their support, patience, understanding, and prayers for Ozzy and our family.
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